old package.json react versioning code // "react": "^16.13.1", // "react-dom": "^16.13.1", // "react-scripts": "^3.4.4",
This site is built using React, Javascript/TypeScript, and Node-sass. I have a terrible eye for design, so I borrowed the theme from an HTML5Up template. I did build the site completely from scratch on my own, as the original was not built using React.
- Smooth scroll was implemented using the React-Scroll NPM package.
- All GitHub repos are linked for each project
Projects are read in dynamically from 'projects.js'. The 'Live Site' link is conditionally rendered if there is an associated live site. All images are compressed to be under 1MB using tinyPng website.
Skills are dynamically parsed in from skillsData.js file. They maintain their positioning through the use of css rule: 'display: table'. I decided to rank my skills by 2 categories: 'Top Skills' and 'Other Skills'. Top skills are those that I am fairly comfortable using and have had plenty of hands on experience with. The 'Other Skills' are those that I have learned and used maybe once, so I am not as fluent but do have some exposure to.
Unit testing with React-Testing-Library/Jest. Still adding test coverage in the future, this site is nowhere near fully tested.