I'm Fabricio Valadares, and I have master degree in computer science from UFOP/ICEB/DECOM (Federal University of Ouro Preto), I am a professor at following colleges: Una -- Contagem (In pause), Una -- Sete Lagoas, UNI-BH, IBCMED - Sete Lagoas, PROMOVE - Sete Lagoas, PITÁGORAS - BH - Antônio Carlos 🧑🏫.
I beleave that we need to promove a more inclusive environment in computer science and related areas.
Please let-me know if I can assist you with anything ;) I love to share knowledge!
I live in Pedro Leopoldo - Minas Gerais, and I'm passionated with new technologies. ❤️.
- 🌱 I’m currently working as Native Android Development (Kotlin), using MMVM, Jetpack components, dependency injection with Koin, get data from APIs async, using Coroutines and retrofit, in a big Brazilian rent a car companie.
- I am learning JetPack Compose, and, there are in my plans to return to study Flutter (We always have something new to learn!)
- At work I also help the back and team, to build APIs using dotnet core (C#).
- 📫 How to reach me: .:| GMAIL | TWITTER | linkedin | LATTES |:.
- Hobbies: Swimming, Play the electric guitar (I try 😄), Reading books.
Interestes (Not in preference order):
- Scientific research (:science:)
- Mobile software development with Kotlin
- Teaching
- Share knowledge
- Software engineering
- Computer network
- Distributed systems
A special thanks for @KamilyKathleen[https://github.com/KamilyKathleen] my undergraduate at Una Sete Lagoas, which kindly correct my almost good English :), again Thank You!