Creates a Firebase Cloud Firestore doc or collection reference using a "URL like" path string format.
npm install --save firestore-ref
- Import the lib
// ES6 modules
import { firestoreRef } from 'firestore-ref';
// cjs modules
const firestoreRef = require('firestore-ref');
- Import Firebase and Firestore libs, connect your app, and instatiate the reference creator using your firestore reference
// example for ES6 modules
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
// replace with the data from your app
const config = {
apiKey: "AIasdfYiJoJMxasdfaKcI-asdf40",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "theproject",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "00000000"
const firestore = firebase.initializeApp(config).firestore();
const ref = firestoreRef(firestore);
- Create collection or doc references
// 1. Using a string path:
// # collection firestore.collection('carbrands')
const carBrandsRef = ref('carbrands');
// # doc firestore.collection('carbrands').doc('chevrolet')
const chevroletRef = ref('carbrands/chevrolet');
// 2. Concatenating a prevously created firestore reference with a string path:
// # doc firestore.collection('carbrands').doc('chevrolet')
const carBrandsRef = firestore.collection('carbrands');
const chevroletRef = ref(carBrandsRef, 'chevrolet');
// the same example using firestoreRef to create a firestore reference and concatenating
const carBrandsRef = ref('carbrands');
const chevroletRef = ref(carBrandsRef, 'chevrolet');
// 3. You can create deep references until the level Firebase permits
// # doc firestore.collection('carbrands').doc('chevrolet').collection('models').doc('camaro')
const camaroRef = ref('carbrands/chevrolet/models/camaro');
// # doc firestore.collection('carbrands').doc('chevrolet').collection('models').doc('camaro').collection('editions').doc('3.0-turbo')
const camaroRef = ref('carbrands/chevrolet/models/camaro/editions/3.0-turbo');
// the above example using firestoreRef to create a firestore reference and concatenating
const camaroModelRef = ref('carbrands/chevrolet/models/camaro');
const camaroTurboEditionRef = ref(camaroModelRef, 'editions/3.0-turbo');