Gamify is a games library of different genres and also shows the hot picks of the current week. If interested, you can also buy the games by clicking Go To Steam/Owner's Page
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"/" - Home Page of the Application.
"/signup" - SignUp Page - The user can sign up to the server here.
"/login" - Login Page - The user can log in to the server here.
"/game/{Name_Of_Game}" - Accessing the page of a particular game.
"/admin" - Adding, removing the games are handled here. Only the admin can access this page.
"/about" - A small introduction of the application.
"/support" - Suggestions for improving and contributing to the application.
"/show" - Surfing the whole game directory by yourself.
The dependencies specified in the package.json
file must be installed before starting the server.
npm start
Open http://localhost:7890 in your browser
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.