This project was created according to Digikala Company interview task.
I used Redux for global state managment and RTK query for api's. According to rules of task, i don't use any UI material, CSS library or any other package. And i persist data of cart with ReduxPrsist.
You can improve it by adding style and other things! and for use this project you can use npm start
script in terminal.
- Load list of products in home page with paginataion
- Load detail of product in product page
- Add product to cart from home page & detail page
- Show products in cart with quantity
- add more and minus product from cart in cart page
- Search bar in home page for searching product
- Skeleton loading and optimaizing
for show mock picture until fully loaded
- Show total price cart in cartPage and route to checkout
- React
- TypeScript
- Redux Toolkit Query
- Design: I'm using this project from Figma Community
- Server: I'm using Dummy Json for fetching data