This project was created for the Azki-vam code challenge. In this project, we implemented a proudcts list page with some filters. You can see the live demo, which is powered by Vercel.
I store the query params in the URL and sync them with filters. All API calls are server-side rendered with fallback error messages displayed.
You can improve this project by adding an application page and other features! To use this project, you can run development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
- Load a list of products on the home page with a infinite load by scrolling
- Include category filters and merchants filter
- Include a skeleton card loading animation until the data is fully loaded
- Design and implement responsive design using SCSS.
- Filter section have reset button and with click on title, section collapsed
- Implement an error page and a not found message with a link to return to the home page.
- React
- NextJs
- TypeScript
- iconssax
- Server: I used this Api Document for fetching data.
├── public # Public Assets
├── src # Source files
│ ├── assets # Styles and other assets that needs to be transpiled at the build time
│ ├── components # All Major and Minor Components will place here
│ ├── hooks # custom hoom
│ ├── pages(app) # Next.js File routings/App Directory
| ├── types # Global types
├── config files # .env files, docker files, bundler configs, .eslintrc, package.json, tsconfig.json, etc.
│ ├── ...
│ └── components
| ├── ExampleComponent # ExampleComponent Folder
| | ├── components # Sub Components of Example Component
| | ├── componentName.module.scss # Modular Styles
| | └── index.tsx # Main File (only contains imports, hook calls and jsx codes)
│ ├── ...