Ghorde is a stable horde client for guilded and aims to provide an experience similar to midjourney on discord. 100% free.
- Install Docker (Docker Compose Pre-Packaged on Win/Mac, Needs to be installed separately on Linux)
- Clone this project
git clone
- CD into the project with
cd ghorde
- Update submodules/libs
git submodule init && git submodule update
,git submodule init ; git submodule update
(for windows) - Run project with
docker-compose up
- For users of linux distros using docker desktop can alternatively also use the command
docker compose up
in case of docker-compose ownership clash.
- For users of linux distros using docker desktop can alternatively also use the command
- Profit.
After performing a clean install of all the dependencies through the setups stated above, we move onto the bot setup.
- Switch onto the ghorde-api directory and refer to the .env.sample file and create you own .env file.
- Switch onto the ghorde-bot directory and to the .env.sample file and create your own .env file. This step does involve generating your own unique bot token from Guilded.