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Pangenome Local Alignment Search Tool

  • Local alignment search between DNA query and graphical pangenome
  • Assembled genomes or reads as input
  • Significance estimation based on alignment statistic
  • Customized focus on parts of the graph
  • Color coverage output per alignment on demand


Schulz, T., Wittler, R., Rahmann, S., Hach, F., Stoye, J.: Detecting High Scoring Local Alignments in Pangenome Graphs.. Bioinformatics. (2021)

Table of Contents


PLAST builds a compacted, colored de Bruijn graph from given input genomes using the API of Bifrost. Apart from the requirements of Bifrost (c++ and cmake), there are no further strict dependencies.

Parameter estimations for alignment statistics can be done using a workflow that requires snakemake (version 5.20.1 or higher) and the Python packages matplotlib and scipy.

A provided tool comparison workflow additionally requires the package Biopython to be installed on your system.


cd <plast_directory>/src

By default, the installation creates:

  • a binary (PLAST)

You may want to make the binary accessible via your PATH variable.

Please note the installation instructions regarding the default maximum k-mer size of Bifrost from its README. E.g., if your Bifrost libraries have been compiled to support a k-mer length of up to 63, change the PLAST makefile accordingly (add -DMAX_KMER_SIZE=64 to CFLAGS).

If during the compilation, the bifrost library files are not found, make sure that the corresponding folder is found as include path by the C++ compiler. You may have to add -I/usr/local/include (with the corresponding folder) to CFLAGS in the makefile.



displays the command line interface:



   Build    Build index (and graph)
   Search   Search inside an indexed graph


   >Mandatory with required argument:

   -i   --graph-prefix   File prefix of a graph which already exists or has to be built

   >Optional with required argument:

   -w   --seed-length   Minimal seed length an index is built for (default is 11)
   -k   --kmer-length   Length of k-mers in a newly built graph (default is 31)
   -g   --min-length    Length of minimizers in a newly built graph (default is 23)
   -S   --input-seqs    Names of raw input sequence file(s) (FASTA/FASTQ) to build a new graph from (all sequences from the same file will share a color in the graph)
   -R   --input-refs    Names of reference input sequence file(s) (FASTA/FASTQ) to build a new graph from (all sequences from the same file will share a color in the graph)
   -t   --threads       Number of threads to be used for graph construction and loading (default is 1)

   >Optional without argument:

   -a   --advanced-index   Construct advanced index for faster quorum searches


   >Mandatory with required argument:

   -q   --query          Query sequence file (1 query per line)
   -i   --graph-prefix   Graph, color and index file prefix

   >Optional with required argument:

   -w   --seed-length    Minimal seed length (default is 11)
   -s   --search-set     Search color set file with one color name per line to consider during the search (default is all colors)
   -Q   --quorum         Absolute quorum (default is 1 color)
   -m   --mismatch       Mismatch score used (default is -1)
   -M   --match          Match score used (default is 1)
   -X   --X-dropoff      X-dropoff value
   -d   --gap-open       Gap open score used for gapped alignment (default is -2)
   -e   --gap-extension  Gap extension score used for gapped alignment (default is -2)
   -n   --max-results    Maximum number of alignments to be outputted (default is 250)
   -o   --strand         DNA strands to consider during search. Can be '+','-' (default is both)
   -l   --lambda         Statistical value lambda for ungapped extension
   -L   --lambda-gap     Statistical value lambda for gapped extension
   -c   --stat-C         Statistical value C for ungapped extension
   -C   --stat-C-gap     Statistical value C for gapped extension
   -T   --e-val-thres    Expectation value threshold for a hit to be considered (default is 10)

   >Optional without argument:

   -r   --report-colors   Enable alignment color coverage output


  1. Get some testing data

    You may want to get some toy data first to try out the program.

    wget ''
    tar xvzf 160sequences.tar.gz

    These commands let you download and unpack a small dataset of 160 individual samples of different Ebola virus subspecies.

  2. Graph building and indexing

    In order to build a graph from this input data and indexing it, a call might look like

    PLAST Build -i ebolaPangenome -R *.fa -t 4

    The above command builds a colored de-Bruijn graph via the Bifrost library using 4 threads (-t 4) from all Ebola sequences. Graph, color information and index are saved as ebolaPangenome.{gfa,bfg_colors,idx} (-i ebolaPangenome). Note that our whole dataset consists of already assembled data. Thus, they are passed to the program using -R. Assuming we would deal with raw read data here, you would rather want to use -S to allow some quality filtering during graph construction. Even a combination of these two parameters is possible if dealing with both kinds of data.

    The graph is build using default k-mer size of 31. This may be changed using option -k <KMER-LENGTH>.

    ATTENTION: Be aware that for using values of k > 31 your Bifrost library has to be compiled using the option -DMAX_KMER_SIZE=x, where x has to be a multiple of 32. The option has to be added to CFLAGS in PLAST's makefile before compilation, too!

  3. Indexing of an existing graph

    The above command has built an index using the default minimal seed length of 11. Assuming we would want to use a different minimal seed length from now on, a new index may also be calculated for an already existing Bifrost graph. The command

    PLAST Build -i ebolaPangenome -w 12

    recalculates an index for our Ebola graph (-i ebolaPangenome) using a minimal seed length of 12 (-w 12). It automatically overwrites the old index file.

  4. Searching

    Inside the directory testdata, you may find a file containing two unknown sequences (one sequence per line). A basic search for these sequences inside the Ebola graph would look like

    PLAST Search -i ebolaPangenome -q unknownQueries.q -w 12

    Alignment results are outputted on the command line seperately for each query. They reveal a perfect match for each query and various suboptimal ones.

    Repeating the search a second time using parameter -r allows us to get information about the individual samples from the graph involved in each alignment. Both perfect matches (first result for each query) are completely covered by a sample of Marburg virus (NC_024781v1) and partially by a second sample (NC_001608v3) as well.

    Assuming we are particularly interested in how alignments look for NC_001608v3, we could specify a search set for our search. It allows to focus alignment searches inside the graph exclusively to sequences from certain samples. A search set may be passed to the algorithm using a text file with one sample id per line. A sample id here means the sample's file path used for graph building. A search set for our current use case may be found below the testdata directory, too.

    The command

    PLAST Search -i ebolaPangenome -q unknownQueries.q -w 12 -r -s searchSet.txt

    now reveals alignments completely covered by NC_001608v3 but lower scores.

    Otherwise, we could also be interested only in alignments that involve at least a certain amount of all samples. This may be realized using a quorum.

    The command

    PLAST Search -i ebolaPangenome -q unknownQueries.q -w 12 -Q 80

    allows to find all alignments supported by at least 80 (50%) of all samples of our Ebola graph.

  5. Alignment statistic parameter estimation

    PLAST uses alignment statistics in order to filter out alignments not representing sequence homology between query and graph sequence and to calculate an e-value for each result. Default parameters for our alignment statistic are chosen carefully and allow basic searches in any pangenome graph. However, results with an e-value close to the significance threshold have to be handled with care.

    Sound statistical parameters can be estimated by running a snakemake workflow provided in the simulation directory. Alternatively, a Bash script is provided and may be used for the same purpose as well.

    For running the snakemake workflow, proceed as follows:

    1. Change to the directory simulation:

      cd simulation
    2. Before executing the workflow, it requires the location of a graph parameters have to be estimated for. Add the graph's path to the configuration file (config.yaml). You may need to change graph properties (k-mer and/or minimizer length) or the minimal seed length your graph was indexed for if they are different from default.


      #Path to the pangenome graph (please insert here!)
      gPathPref: "/path/to/graph.gfa"
      #Graph and index properties (please change if non-default!)
      #k-mer length used for graph
      k: 31
      #Minimizer length used for graph
      miniLen: 23
      #Minimal seed length used for index
      seedLen: 11
    3. Run the workflow by typing snakemake. Depending on your graph, simulations might take a while. Use the option --cores to specify the number of cores the simulation shall be performed on in parallel.

      snakemake --cores <Nb_cores>
    4. Simulation results for gapped and ungapped alignment parameters can be found in results/parameters.txt.

    Running the workflow is the recommened way for parameter estimation. However, using a simple Bash script is possible as well.

    For running the Bash script, proceed as follows:

    1. Change to the directory simulation:

      cd simulation
    2. Execute the Bash script by providing the graph path as first argument. Non-default values for k-mer length (-k), minimizer length (-g) and minimal seed length (-w) may follow using the appropriate flag.

      ./ /path/to/graph.gfa -k 31 -g 23 -w 11
    3. Simulation results for gapped and ungapped alignment parameters can be found in results/parameters.txt.

Test data

Test data is provided in the directory testdata.

  1. Pangenome simulation

    The directory contains a parameter file to be used for pangenome simulation with ALF. Additionally, a script is provided to transfer sequences outputted by ALF into contiguous genome sequences.

  2. PARA C

    All assembly barcodes of the Para C dataset published here are listed in ParaCcomplete220.txt. Data are provided from EnteroBase. The exact sequences used in our publication can also be downloaded here.

    File names of assembly subsets of sizes 12 and 75 can be found in ParaCsubset12.txt and ParaCsubset75.txt.

  3. Salmonella pangenome from EnteroBase

    A pangenome of 5000 Salmonella typhimurium assemblies from EnteroBase can be downloaded here. A list of the exact 5000 assemblies we used in our publication can be found in chosen5000.txt.

Tool comparison

A run time and memory usage comparison is documented as a snakemake workflow in the directory comparison.

For execution of the workflow, proceed as follows:

  • Install all programs to be tested on your system.

  • Get some testing data.

  • Provide the workflow with the locations of your testing data and program binaries by editing the configuration file comparison/config.yaml:

    # PLEASE ADJUST THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS --------------------------------------
    #The place where the data is stored
    dataDir: "path/to/my_testing_data_dir"
    #The program binaries that shall be used
    blastnbin: "path/to/blastn_binary"
    makeblastdbBin: "path/to/makeblastdb_binary"
    mmseqs2Bin: "path/to/mmseqs2_binary"
    ublastBin: "path/to/usearch_binary"
    #Only an absolute path will work here!
    blatBin: "/absolute/path/to/blat_binary"
    blat_faToTwoBit: "/absolute/path/to/faToTwoBit_binary"
  • Change into directory comparison and run the workflow.

    cd comparison


We recommend to have a look at the FAQs of Bifrost.


For any question, feedback or problem, please feel free to file an issue on Github or contact the developers and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

PLAST is provided as a service of the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI). We would appriciate if you would participate in the evaluation of PLAST by completing this very short survey.



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