A decentralized crowdfunding platform
The crowdfunding campaign has three main actors:
- the organizers, those who open the campaign
- the donors, those who donate to the campaign
- the beneficiaries, the receivers of the funds collected during the campaign.
In order to build and run this project you need to install some dependencies:
If you have Truffle installed correctly just type
truffle build
in the root directory of the project
Create your testnet and configure it in truffle-config.js
In the current version of the configuration file you can already find a network called migration
migration: {
host: "", // Localhost (default: none)
port: 8545, // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none)
In case you want to use this configured network you can simply install Ganache and run a local test network on port 8545.
Before you start the migration, update the migration script migrations/1_initial_migration.js
setting up the addresses of the organizers, the beneficiaries and the campaign duration.
Thtat's it, these are the only required steps before of your first migration.
Now migrate the contract using the command:
truffle migrate --network migration --reset
Inside the test/
folder you can find an automated test suite which attempts to prove and test some contract's properties.
To run the test suite just use truffle test
If you would like to run the DAPP fir of all you need to install lite-server and web3
npm install --save lite-server
npm install --save web3
Then simply type in the root directory of the project npm run dev
to start the server.
The DAPP will be available at http://localhost:3000