A simple, better search for SpigotMC Plugins
Have you ever found the SpigotMC search terrible? Have you been constantly using Google to find your Minecraft plugins? Well, here is a great search engine for Minecraft Plugins built with the SpiGET API.
Use it online at https://spigetsearch.netlify.app
You will see popular plugins on the home screen and you can use the search bar to search.
Hover over the box which a plugin is in and you will see its short description and tested versions.
Clicking on the plugin's name will download it directly or take you to the page where you can download it. (This is beacuse some of the plugins are not hosted directly on SpigotMC)
Clone the repo to your computer or just download it as a zip file then, simply open index.html That's it!
SpiGET and their API for providing the plugins.
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