Adaptation of z-shell/zsh-eza for the Fish shell.
Install with fisher:
fisher install givensuman/fish-eza
Variable | Description | Default |
eza_params | eza params to be used with every call |
--git --icons --group --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso --color-scale=all |
eza_run_on_cd | automatically run on cd |
undefined |
Set eza_run_on_cd
to anything to enable, e.g. set -gx eza_run_on_cd true
alias ls='eza $eza_params'
alias l='eza --git-ignore $eza_params'
alias ll='eza --all --header --long $eza_params'
alias llm='eza --all --header --long --sort=modified $eza_params'
alias la='eza -lbhHigUmuSa'
alias lx='eza -lbhHigUmuSa@'
alias lt='eza --tree $eza_params'
alias tree='eza --tree $eza_params'
Just requires eza!