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@derek-globus derek-globus released this 05 Jun 21:00
· 866 commits to main since this release
  • Implemented FlowsClient.get_run(...) (#721)

  • Implemented FlowsClient.get_run_logs(...) (#722)

  • Implemented SpecificFlowClient.resume_run(...) (#723)

  • Behavior has changed slightly specifically for TimerAPIError. When parsing fails, the code will be Error and the messages will be empty. The detail field will be treated as the errors array for these errors when it is present and contains an array of objects.

  • ConsentRequiredInfo now accepts required_scope (singular) containing a single string as an alternative to required_scopes. However, it will parse both formats into a required_scopes list. (#726)

  • FlowsClient.list_flows now supports passing a non-string iterable of
    strings to orderby in order to indicate multiple orderings (#730)

  • Support pathlib.Path objects as filenames for the JSON and sqlite token storage adapters. (#734)

  • Several TransferClient methods, TransferData, and DeleteData now support the local_user, source_local_user, and destination_local_user parameters (#736)

  • The TransferRequestsTransport will no longer automatically retry errors with a code of EndpointError

  • Fix pagination on iterable gcs client routes (#738, #739)

    • GCSClient.get_storage_gateway_list

    • GCSClient.get_role_list

    • GCSClient.get_collection_list

    • GCSClient.get_user_credential_list

  • Error parsing in the SDK has been enhanced to better support JSON:API and related error formats with multiple sub-errors. Several attributes are added or changed. For most SDK users, the changes will be completely transparent or a minor improvement. (#725)

    • Error parsing now attempts to detect the format of the error data and will parse JSON:API data differently from non-JSON:API data. Furthermore, parsing is stricter about the expectations about fields and their types. JSON:API parsing now has its own distinct parsing path, followed only when the JSON:API mimetype is present.

    • A new attribute is added to API error objects, errors. This is a list of subdocuments parsed from the error data, especially relevant for JSON:API errors and similar formats. See the ErrorSubdocument documentation for details.

    • A new attribute is now present on API error objects, messages. This is a list of messages parsed from the error data, for errors with multiple messages. When there is only one message, messages will only contain one item.

    • The message field is now an alias for a joined string of messages. Assigning a string to message is supported for error subclasses, but is deprecated.

    • message will now be None when no messages can be parsed from the error data. Previously, the default for message would be an alias for text.

    • All error types now support request_id as an attribute, but it will default to None for errors which do not include a request_id.

    • An additional field is checked by default for error message data, title. This is useful when errors contain title but no detail field. The extraction of messages from errors has been made stricter, especially in the JSON:API case.

    • The code field of errors will no longer attempt to parse only the first code from multiple sub-errors. Instead, code will first parse a top-level code field, and then fallback to checking if all sub-errors have the same code value. The result is that certain errors which would populate a non-default code value no longer will, but the code will also no longer be misleading when multiple errors with different codes are present in an error object.

    • The code field of an error may now be None. This is specifically possible when the error format is detected to be known as JSON:API and there is no code present in any responses.