305 commits
to master
since this release
is a free and open-source project built by volunteers.
If you value it, consider supporting us, the maintainers and linter authors.
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For key updates, see the changelog.
- f338f3e build(deps): bump github.com/securego/gosec/v2 from 5f0084eb01a9 to 81cda2f91fbe (#4927)
- 132d81c build(deps): bump github.com/tomarrell/wrapcheck/v2 from 2.8.3 to 2.9.0 (#4921)
- 15529a9 build(deps): bump honnef.co/go/tools from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1 (#4911)
- e24ef74 build(deps): bump mvdan.cc/gofumpt from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#4922)
- 87dd8fe exportloopref: deprecation (#4916)
- ca0b09e gosec: add G602 analyzer (#4906)
- adbdfdb staticcheck: propagate Go version (#4907)