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Address Collector Credential Issuer API


important: One you've cloned the repo, run pre-commit install to install the pre-commit hooks. If you have not installed pre-commit then please do so here.


Ensure that you are using the java version specified in .sdkmanrc.

Build with ./gradlew

This will run "build", "test", "buildZip", and "spotLess" reformatting


When deploying using sam deploy, canary deployment strategy will be used which is set in LambdaDeploymentPreference in template.yaml file.

When deploying using the pipeline, canary deployment strategy set in the pipeline will be used and override the default set in template.yaml.

Canary deployments will cause a rollback if any canary alarms associated with a lambda are triggered.

To skip canaries such as when releasing urgent changes to production, set the last commit message to contain either of these phrases: [skip canary], [canary skip], or [no canary] as specified in the Canary Escape Hatch guide. git commit -m "some message [skip canary]"

Note: To update LambdaDeploymentPreference, update the LambdaCanaryDeployment pipeline parameter in the identity-common-infra repository. To update the LambdaDeploymentPreference for a stack in dev using sam deploy, parameter override needs to be set in the deploy script. --parameter-overrides LambdaDeploymentPreference=<define-strategy> \

Deploy to dev account

Ensure you have the sam-cli and gds-cli installed, and that you can assume an admin role on the di-ipv-cri-address-dev AWS account. Alternatively you can create a sso profile

Any time you wish to deploy, run:

gds aws di-ipv-cri-address-dev -- ./

or with an AWS SSO profile

AWS_PROFILE=profile-name-you-created aws di-ipv-cri-address-dev -- ./

The Stack Name, CommonStackName and SecretPrefix are optional, but can be overridden by supplying

additional arguments to i.e


Deploy to AWS lambda

Automated GitHub actions deployments to di-ipv-cri-build have been enabled for this repository. Manual GitHub actions deployments to di-ipv-cri-address-dev can be triggered from the GitHub actions menu.

The automated deployments are triggered on a push to main after PR approval.

GitHub secrets are required for deployment.

Required GitHub secrets:

Secret Description
ARTIFACT_SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME Upload artifact bucket
SIGNING_PROFILE_NAME Signing profile name

For Dev the following equivalent GitHub secrets:

Secret Description
DEV_SIGNING_PROFILE_NAME Signing profile name

Publishing KMS Public keys

The Address API uses an AWS KMS EC private key to sign verifiable credentials, and an AWS KMS RSA private key to decrypt the Authorization JAR.

The public keys need to be published so that clients:

  • can verify the signature of the verifiable credential,
  • encrypt the Authorization JAR before sending to this CRI.

The environment variable IPV_CORE_STUB_CRI_ID with value address-cri-dev allows the command below to use keys in ipv-config pointing to keys in di-ipv-cri-address-dev for the deployed stack in that account.

Integration tests

Make sure you have deployed a stack to AWS and provide its name in the STACK_NAME variable below with the corresponding values for API_GATEWAY_ID_PRIVATE and API_GATEWAY_ID_PUBLIC.

To initiate journeys for the tests we use the IPV Core Stub, which runs in AWS and is accessible at

The command below overrides the client ID used by the Core Stub to ipv-core-stub-aws-prod by setting the DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.

Optionally set a value for TEST_RESOURCES_STACK_NAME if you have deployed a local test resources stack and want to override the default stack named test-resources.

ENVIRONMENT=localdev STACK_NAME=<your-stack> API_GATEWAY_ID_PRIVATE=<from-your-stack> API_GATEWAY_ID_PUBLIC=<from-your-stack> IPV_CORE_STUB_CRI_ID=address-cri-dev IPV_CORE_STUB_BASIC_AUTH_USER=xxxx IPV_CORE_STUB_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=xxxx IPV_CORE_STUB_URL= DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID=ipv-core-stub-aws-build APIGW_API_KEY=xxxx TEST_RESOURCES_STACK_NAME= gradle integration-tests:cucumber

To run a particular test append -P tags=@tag-name to the command above specifying the tag you want to select.