To get a Git project into your build:
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.grezzled:AntiAdLimit:1.0-beta'
Step 1. Create and host a JSON file on your Server. Please make sure to have a direct link to the hosted JSON file (e.g: )
Step 2. Edit the JSON file content
"networks": {
"admob_activated": true,
"fan_activated": false
"ad_units": [
"limit_activated": true,
"unit_id": "1234516670394005_1234551527057186",
"ads_activated": true,
"clicks": 2,
"impressions": 20,
"delay_ms": 3000,
"ban_hours": 1,
"hide_on_click": true
"limit_activated": true,
"unit_id": "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111",
"ads_activated": true,
"clicks": 2,
"impressions": 20,
"delay_ms": 3000,
"ban_hours": 1,
"hide_on_click": true
Networks Params Explained
Param | Description | Type |
admob_activated | Activate Admob units | [boolean ] Accepts true or false |
fan_activated | Override Admob units and use Audience Network units. | [boolean ] Accepts true or false |
Please notice 1: if they are both false no Ad units will display so no Ads will run.
Please notice 2: if they are both true Audience network will be used
AdUnits Params Explained
Param | Description | Type |
limit_activated | Weither to activate limitation for this unit. | [boolean ] Accepts true or false |
unit_id | This is where you set the AD Unit Id (Either Audience Network or Admob) | [string ] Accepts a string value between double quotes "" |
ads_activated | Enable or Disable unit, if it's fasle this unit will not show any ads |
[boolean ] Accepts true or false |
.. In Progress