Export to ABRIS is an application that will read the current state of a DCS server such Rotorheads dynamic server and imports that data into the Ka-50's ABRIS system.
Information such as disposition of friendly and hostile troops, enemy AA batteries, JTAC locations et.c is available. In the Russian fashion, blue denotes hostile and red friendlies.
- Go to The release page to get the latest version of the application
- Unpack the zip into your saved games/DCS directory (You should end up with a RotorheadsToABRIS folder in your DCS directory)
- Open the file <DCS install directory>/Mods/aircraft/Ka-50/Cockpit/Scripts/Devices_specs/ABRIS.lua
- Go to the line default_path = get_terrain_related_data("ABRIS_data_path") (line 42 as of writing) and replace it with default_path = get_terrain_related_data("ABRIS_data_path") or lfs.writedir().."ExportToABRIS/"
- Run the ExportToABRIS.exe inside the newly unpacked folder by dragging and dropping a serverspec.json file onto the exe. A Database folder will appear. Running the application again updates the data available to ABRIS.
- This does not take into account what mission you're actually running. All Ka-50 missions will show data from the exported server unless you restore the lua or delete the Database folder.
- The database will be loaded when the module is first loaded, i.e. when you first enter the Ka-50 slot.
- It is possible to create a shortcut and supply it with command line arguments and the path to your favourite serverspec for ease of use. Dropping a serverspec on a shortcut with command arguments works equally well.
The application can be supplied various arguments to modify the result
- -nocsar Removes csar symbols
- -noobj Removes objective markers
- -nosam Removes the sam markers
- -nofarp Removes farp markers (the ones added by the game still remains)
- -nojtac Removes jtac symbols
Export To Abris reads mapbox features from json and converts them to a format readable by DCS. This is defined by serverspec files. The serverspec files are simple json objects with the following properties.
- server: Url to the server from which data is retrieved.
- dataSources: A dictionary mapping data source names to the underlying data json path. Path is concatinated with the server url.
- points: A list of objects that will be rendered as points. A point object is defined as follows:
- sources: A list of source names reffering to the names in dataSources.
- condition: An object using regexp to determine if a particular feature will we drawn with this symbol. A condition has the following properties:
- property: The name of the property whose value will be matched against.
- pattern: The regex pattern used to match the property value.
- symbolType: The name of the symbol used to visualize the point. Can take any of the following values:
- referencePoint
- initialPoint
- landmark
- obstacle
- climbPoint
- divePoint
- airbase
- farp
- navalbase
- airport
- heliport
- closed_airport
- common_airport
- new_airport
- vorPoint
- dmePoint
- tacanPoint
- homerPoint
- vorDmePoint
- vorTacanPoint
- airportHomer
- routeMarker
- ilsMarker
- unknownHostile
- armouredHostile
- airDefenceHostile
- otherHostile
- dlInitial
- groupMember
- name: An object containing Regex match and replace pattern to set the name of the point visible in ABRIS. Has the following properties:
- property: The name of the property whose value will be matched against.
- pattern: The regex pattern used to match the property value.
- replace: Constructs the string using the parts captured by the pattern.
- disable: The keyword used to disable exporting this particular symbol. Must be listed in disableCategories.json.
- bufferZones: A list of buffer zone object. A buffer zone draws an outline around the given point at some distance. The object is defined as follows:
- style: The style of the buffer zone, can take values either "filledHostile" or "line"
- color: The color if the line style is used. Can take "r,g,b" where r, g, and b are color components 0-255 or any of the following values
- red
- yellow
- green
- white
- black
- sources: See above.
- condition: See above.
- disable: See above.
- lines: A list of line objects. A line object traces the shortest possible line between point features with the same name (as determined by the name property). The object is defines as follows:
- color: See above.
- name: See above.
- sources: See above.
- condition: See above.
- disable: See above.