minIniFS is a programmer's library to read and write "INI" files in embedded systems.
The "showKeysValues(..)" method now checks the first key and returns a boolean value if it finds any keys.
It allows you to search for keys in sections, modify them and even list the entire INI file with its Sections-Keys-Values.
This work is based on the "minIni4Arduino" library minIni4Arduino
All of this is also derived from the great compuphase library of minIni
It is used following similar instructions to those of the "minIni4Arduino" library, for more detailed information read the original
Generally, install it from the Arduino IDE library manager (if it exists).
Another alternative way would be to copy the directory and include it "by hand" in the Arduino libraries folder (inside "../libraries/"), then restart the IDE.
There are two usage examples in the "/examples" folder:
- Simple_Test : Demonstrates reading a "confMiFS.ini" file of its Sections, Keys and Values, both in SD and SPIFFS.
- SPIFFS_Test : Demonstrates how to change Values in Sections, only in SPIFFS, and lists the root directory.
- This library is verified to work with ESP32 (DOIT DevKit v1) + SD-Shield
- It has been tested using the Arduino IDE
(Modification by GuerraTron24 [email protected])
Now it can work with both SD and SPIFFS (it will work on files with a generic handler like "fs::File").
For this purpose, a static function "ini_FS(..)" has been added, which should be called before the read and write methods. This function will be passed the desired File System, for example:
minIniFS ini("/config.ino");
ini_FS(SPIFFS); //will read the file from the SPIFFS
Serial .println("From SPIFFS: ");
Serial.println(ini.gets("section1", "key1", "default1"));
ini_FS(SD); //will read the file from the SD
Serial . println("From SD: ");
Serial. println(ini. gets("section1", "key1", "default1"));
To keep track of the actions performed, a synonym for "print" and "printf" has been implemented. This will print to the output device (terminal, serial port, ..)
You only have to modify the macro INI_PRINT by selecting one of the possible INI_PRINT_NONE, INI_PRINT_C or INI_PRINT_ARDUINO. By default INI_PRINT_NONE (Or comment out the lines that contain this macro).
With the macro INI_PRINTF4 the same instructions.
A method (ini.showKeysValues()) has been included to list all the keys and values found in the file (The file must exist). Printing must be allowed through the macros: INI_PRINT and INI_PRINTF4.
Based on 'minIni.pdf'.
The "showKeysValues(..)" method now checks the first key and returns a boolean value if it finds any keys.
ADAPTATIONS by GuerraTron24 [email protected]:
I had to modify the functions "ini_openread(..), ini_openwrite(), ini_rename()" in the file "minGlue.h" because it caused a FATAL ERROR due to not checking if the method "" returned NULL. As an example, one of the corrections in the functions would be like this:
static int ini_openread(const char* filename, INI_FILETYPE *file)
*file =, FILE_READ);
Serial.println("Failed to open file for reading");
return 0;
return (file->name() && ((file->name())[0] != 0) );
With this I was able to read files.
The SD library is a bit delicate and if you don't give it the "slashbar" at the beginning of the file name it is not able to find it properly. Also there are different versions for different Micros like AVR, ESP, .. and they could be mixed up.
I also had to make a few "castings" to variables of the "char-array" type to tell it to treat them as "(uint8_t*)", in the places that the compiler was telling me... for example in what are now the lines: 171, 200, 201, .. of the "minGlue.h" file.
Some more minor changes to adapt it to the Arduino IDE, such as the properties file, keywords, ..
I have run some reading and writing tests on the SD and the SPIFFS and everything has gone GREAT, it seems that the library leaves a VERY SMALL Memory Footprint compared to everything it does.
According to what I have read from the author it does NOT cause fragmentation in the HEAP, and only deals with a user-configurable BUFFER for reading a complete line (by default 512 bytes).
Update examples to support this change.
Compatibility with LittleFS
Many thanks to the author of the library: Bizan Nishimura (lipoyang) it is a GREAT JOB.
I downloaded the library from:
Juanjo Guerra - GuerraTron24 - dinertron@gmail