(setq symbol-step 10)
(setq step-symbols '("│" "│"))
(setq symbol-step 1)
(setq step-symbols '("│" "│"))
(setq step-symbols '("□" "□" "◧" "■"))
(setq step-symbols '("□" "◧" "■"))
(setq step-symbols '("☷" "☶" "☴" "☰"))
(setq step-symbols '("☷" "☴" "☰"))
(defun progress-bar (progress all)
"Reture a text progress bar from Num progress and Num all"
(if (and (<= progress all)
(>= progress 0))
(let* ((visual-base (- (length step-symbols) 1))
(visual-progress (/ progress symbol-step))
(visual-all (/ all symbol-step))
(visual-left (- visual-all visual-progress))
(full-positions (/ visual-all visual-base))
(full-progress-positions (/ visual-progress visual-base))
(changing-position-detail (mod visual-progress visual-base))
(full-left-positions (/ (- visual-left
(if (= changing-position-detail 0)
(- visual-base
(concat (propertize (concat (s-repeat full-progress-positions (-last-item step-symbols))
(if (or (= changing-position-detail 0)
(>= full-progress-positions full-positions))
(nth changing-position-detail step-symbols)))
(list :foreground nano-light-foreground :family "PragmataPro Mono"))
(propertize (s-repeat full-left-positions (car step-symbols))
(list :foreground nano-light-faded :family "PragmataPro Mono")) " "
(format "%d/%d %.1f%%" progress all (* (/ (float progress) all) 100))))
(defun insert-progress-bar-at-point (progress all)
(let ((progress-bar (progress-bar progress all)))
(when progress-bar
(insert (progress-bar progress all))))) (progn (message "ill progress") nil)))
(defun progress-bar-status (progress)
"Return a '(progress all) from a text progress-bar"
(if (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\s*/\s*\\([0-9]+\\)" progress)
(let ((progress (match-string 1 progress))
(all (match-string 2 progress)))
(mapcar 'string-to-number (list progress all)))
(progn (message "no progress detected")
(defun get-progress-bar-status-at-point ()
"Get '(progress all) from current line if successfully, otherwise nil"
(progress-bar-status (thing-at-point 'line t)))
(defun update-progress-bar-with-fn-at-point (fn)
"fn should receive 2 args and return a status"
(let ((status (get-progress-bar-status-at-point)))
(when status
(let ((progress-bar (apply 'progress-bar
(apply fn status))))
(when progress-bar
(kill-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
(insert progress-bar))))))
(defun update-progress-bar-at-point ()
"Update the progress bar at the line depend on the a/b in the line (e.g 12/20)"
(update-progress-bar-with-fn-at-point (lambda (p a) (list p a))))
(defun forward-progress-bar-at-point ()
(update-progress-bar-with-fn-at-point (lambda (p a) (list (+ p 1) a))))
(defun backward-progress-bar-at-point ()
(update-progress-bar-with-fn-at-point (lambda (p a) (list (- p 1) a))))
(defun expand-progress-bar-at-point ()
(update-progress-bar-with-fn-at-point (lambda (p a) (list p (+ a 1)))))
(defun shrink-progress-bar-at-point ()
(update-progress-bar-with-fn-at-point (lambda (p a) (list p (- a 1)))))
(provide 'progress-bar)