A simple .shp
To compile
To run
./utshp <filename>
$ ./utshp polygon.shp
File code 9994
File length 3005996
Version 1000
Shape type 3 (Polyline)
min X, min Y, max X, max Y, min Z, max Z, min M, max M
377738.277000 6670433.781000 387162.597000 6679349.426000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
>>> Enter record number ('q' to quit): 2
Record number 2
Record length 80
Shape type 3 (Polyline)
Box Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax
381207.676000 6672604.795000 381208.493000 6672606.977000
NumParts 1
NumPoints 2
Parts 0
Point[0] X 381207.676000 Y 6672604.795000
Point[1] X 381208.493000 Y 6672606.977000