😼 NekoBot | 1.4.0 | create by AxellNetwork
> Simple WhatsApp bot Using Library Baileys
message: Message { conversation: '>_ Welcome to NekoBot' },
type: 'conversation',
msg: '>_ Welcome to NekoBot',
isMedia: false,
key: {
remoteJid: '[email protected]',
participant: '[email protected]',
fromMe: false,
id: '5780C33F89C0BE600B6D71DF79C4FC02'
cht: '[email protected]',
fromMe: false,
id: '5780C33F89C0BE600B6D71DF79C4FC02',
device: 'android',
isBot: false,
isGroup: false,
participant: '[email protected]',
sender: '[email protected]',
mentions: [],
body: '>_ Welcome to NekoBot',
prefix: '',
command: '>_',
args: [ 'Welcome', 'to', 'NekoBot' ],
text: 'Welcome to NekoBot',
isOwner: true,
download: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)]
const fs = require('node:fs');
const config = {
owner: ["6285215909004"],
name: "- nekoBot - Simple WhatsApp bot",
sessions: "sessions",
sticker: {
packname: "Made by ",
author: "nekoBot"
messages: {
wait: "*( Loading )* Tunggu Sebentar...",
owner: "*( Denied )* Kamu bukan owner ku !",
premium: "*( Denied )* Fitur ini khusus user premium",
group: "*( Denied )* Fitur ini khusus group",
database: "neko-db",
tz: "Asia/Jakarta"
module.exports = config
git clone https://github.com/AxellNetwork/NekoBot
cd nekoBot
npm install
npm start
Berikut cara menambahkan fitur pada bot ini
module.exports = {
command: "tes", //- Nama fitur nya
alias: ["tesbot", "testing"], //- Short cut command
category: ["main"], //- Kategori Fitur
settings: {
owner: false, //- Apakah Fitur ini khusus owner ?
group: false, // - Apakah Fitur ini khusus group ?
description: "Tes bot saja", //- Penjelasan tentang fitur nya
loading: true, //- Ingin menambahkan loading messages ?
async run(m, { sock, Func, Scraper, text, config }) {
m.reply("> Bot Online ✓")
case "tes" : {
m.reply("> Bot Online ✓")
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