It is a State Machine + Actor Model.
A typelevel alternative to Typed Akka on top of Fs2 and CatsEffects
The following code results in printing "Hello World!" by creating an actor and stopping it after 200ms.
// A behavior is how an actor handles a message
// Every actor after handling a message must return a new BehaviorSpec, here by using "Behaviors.same"
// the next behavior stays the same.
val aPrinter =
Behaviors.receive[String]: (_, msg) =>
IO.println(msg) >> Behaviors.same
//An actor can be started using "spawn" method from type behavior:
val io = for
ref <- aPrinter.spawn("name_of_the_actor")
_ <- ref.send("Hello")
_ <- ref.send(" ")
_ <- ref.send("World!")
_ <- IO.sleep(200.milliseconds) //Let it do its tasks sequentially in private
_ <- ref.stop()
yield ()
From our unit tests, the simplicity of the library is obvious.
You can read the code like this:
- Define me an actor who receives two kinds of messages, a Var and a Close command.
- When a message is received:
- If Var is received by the actor, it must be appended to a list(aka proof),
- and when it's Close, it must terminate the Actor, and then the actor stays idle for 200ms and assumes the same behavior for the next message.
- When the actor is idle for 100ms, a trigger to send a Close command is initiated to stop the actor.
enum State:
case Var(v: String)
case Close
val proof = Ref.unsafe[IO, List[String]](Nil)
val logVar = Behaviors.receive[State]:
case (_, State.Close) => Behaviors.stop
case (_, State.Var(msg)) =>
proof.update(_.appended(msg)) >>
IO.sleep(200.millisecond) >>
.onIdleTrigger(100.millisecond, State.Close)
val init = Behaviors.setup[State]: ctx =>
Seq("v1", "v2").evalTap: name =>
>> IO.sleep(150.milliseconds)
>> proof.get.asserting(_ shouldBe List("v1"))
This is a very simple and generic load balancer for a behavior:
def initLoadBalancer[T](workerSize: Int, task: Behavior[T]): BehaviorSetup[T] = Behaviors.setup[T]: ctx =>
def balance(workers: Vector[ActorRef[T]], index: Int): Behavior[T] =
Behaviors.receive[T]: (_, msg) =>
val next = if (index + 1) >= workerSize then 0 else index + 1
workers(index).send(msg).as(balance(workers, next))
end balance
Seq.range(0, workerSize)
.evalMap(n => ctx.spawn(task, "worker" + n))
.map(balance(_, 0))
end initLoadBalancer
val proof = Ref.unsafe[IO, Map[UUID, Int]](Map.empty)
val updateAndDie = Behaviors.receive[Int]: (ctx, msg) =>
proof.update(_.updatedWith( + msg).orElse(Some(msg)))) >> Behaviors.same
val init = Behaviors.receive[Unit]: (ctx, _) =>
ref <- ctx.spawn(initLoadBalancer(10, updateAndDie), "load_balancer")
_ <- Seq.range(0, 100, 1).evalTap(ref.send)
_ <- IO.sleep(200.milliseconds)
state <- Behaviors.stop[Unit]
yield state
selfStart(init) >> proof.get.asserting(proofValue => proofValue.size shouldBe 10)