This repo is dedicated to experiment adding Dependent Types to TensorFlow Haskell.
Beware! The API is not yet stable. This code is in alpha stage.
This repo may be merged into TensorFlow Haskell in the future, in the meantime is just playground to test dependent types and tensorflow.
Making sure everything is alright:
stack setup
Build the project:
stack build
Running the examples:
stack exec -- tensorflow-haskell-deptyped
stack exec -- tf-example
Some simple examples can be found in Main.hs.
A more complete example using MNIST can be found in tensorflow-minst-deptyped.
Imitating the presentation shown in below a minimal example of using TensorFlow in Haskell (with Dependent Types) [full code]:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Test.HUnit (assertBool)
import qualified TensorFlow.Core as TF
import qualified TensorFlow.Minimize as TF
import qualified TensorFlow.DepTyped as TFD
import Data.Vector.Sized (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized as VS (replicateM, map)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Generate data where `y = x*3 + 8`.
xData <- VS.replicateM @100 randomIO
let yData = (\x->x*3 + 8) xData
-- Fit linear regression model.
(w, b) <- fit xData yData
assertBool "w == 3" (abs (3 - w) < 0.001)
assertBool "b == 8" (abs (8 - b) < 0.001)
fit :: forall n. KnownNat n => Vector n Float -> Vector n Float -> IO (Float, Float)
fit xData yData = TF.runSession $ do
-- Create tensorflow constants for x and y.
let x = TFD.constant @'[n] xData
y = TFD.constant @'[n] yData
-- Create scalar variables for slope and intercept.
w <- TFD.initializedVariable @'[1] 0
b <- TFD.initializedVariable @'[1] 0
-- Define the loss function.
let yHat = (x `TFD.mul` TFD.readValue w) `TFD.add` TFD.readValue b
loss = TFD.square (yHat `TFD.sub` y)
-- Optimize with gradient descent.
trainStep <- TFD.minimizeWith (TF.gradientDescent 0.001) loss [TFD.unVariable w, TFD.unVariable b]
replicateM_ 1000 $ do
() <- trainStep -- this is necessary for haskell to select the right instance of ``
return () -- alternatively, you could annotate `replicateM_` with `Int -> IO () -> IO ()`
-- Return the learned parameters.
TF.Scalar w' <- (TFD.readValue w)
TF.Scalar b' <- (TFD.readValue b)
return (w', b')
This project is dual licensed under Apache 2.0 and BSD3.