enchant.dab.iris - Iris-in, Iris-out effect
version 1.3.1
This is an animation effect.
Please see Wicker Wings [ja] for more information.
- new enchant.dab.Iris(width, height, fps):
Width and height are the rectangle size which is surrounding the iris.
Fps is the game-core's fps.
You may ommit All arguments. When they are ommitted, the arguments will be as the game-core's options.
- setCenter(x, y): the center of the iris' circle
- setColor(r, g, b, a): iris color and opacity
- setRadius(r): radius of the iris' circle
- setTime(time, easing): duration and easing function
- fillColor(r, g, b, a): iris color and opacity
- restart: restart or resume the animation
- resetCircle: reset the circle
- inout: String: "in" for iris-in, "out" for iris-out. default: "out".
- toRemove: Boolean: if "true" is set, the sprite is removed from the scene. default: false.
- irisWait: Boolean: if "true" is set, the animation is stopped. default: false.
- width: Number:
- height: Number:
- touchEnabled: Boolean: To work 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend' Events. default: false.
- "irisend": The EventListener for when iris opend or closed.
// export 'dab' to use "new Iris()".
// also you can use "use enchant()" and "new enchant.dab.Iris()"
var game = new Game(320, 320);
// create instance of Iris
var iris=new Iris(game.width, game.height, game.fps);
// the effect will be set "iris-in"
// sprite will be removed after finished the animation.
// set the duration at 3 seconds and easing
iris.setTime(3, enchant.Easing.SIN_EASEIN);
// add EventListener for the end of animation.
iris.addEventListener('irisend', function(){
alert('iris finished');