repo for remapping keybindings to home row mods, and some relevant configs for different programs --
Apps needed :
- Raycast
- Karabiner-Elements
- Rectangle
- AltTab wdf Shortcuts : Mix of two methods that I found :
- Hyper Key -- /
remaps CapsLock to a 'Hyper' (holds ctrl + cmd + alt + shift at the same time) key + "layers" (spaces on top of the hyper key)
will use this for system-level shortcuts -- like changing window focus, switching tabs, etc. -[] can use hammerspoon for custom os level shortcuts -- map them to hyper key shortcuts
- Home Row Mods -- /
- this lets us remap certain keys to emit different events if they are held -- we can use this to remap home row keys to ctrl, alt, shift, etc.
- set up shortcuts on the application level to be compatible here
see :