NodeJS Simple Forms Server
Configure your web form and via text-file and nosifose provide an iframe with your form. The according get/post routes are created and the form can be processed (submitted) in the browser.
Intended for use with ghost cms and a mail-service to implement a contact form with double-opt-in logic.
Based on ExpressJS
- Standalone or as module usable (for extended functionality you have to boot your own server and import nosifose as express app)
- When installed as module: Usable either as route in an existing expressjs app or as standalone server
- Forms can be configured as HTML using Handlebars as template engine.
- Response either via html or redirect
- Form validation included (via express-validator)
- Rate limiting included (via rate-limiter-flexible)
- CSRF token included (via csurf)
- CORS available (via cors)
- reCAPTCHA service V3 can be integrated, results are provided for your callback function
- Unlimited forms available via routes
Not included:
- Backend for your forms or any other logic. Functionality has to be implemented with own Javascript-Functions (callbacks)
- NodeJS V10+
- Redis (for session handling and rate limiter service)
Copyright (c) 2020 Hendrik Schellenberger