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Test guide file

Dmitry Shin edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 7 revisions


// Test Guide

// Version: 1.7

// Commands usage example:
//   /8 guide event load test
//   /8 guide event trigger spawn

module.exports = (dispatch, handlers, guide, lang) => {

	// Test Spawn library import
	const {
	} = module.parent.exports.spawn;

	// Test definition guide type
	guide.type = SP; // SP, ES, false

	/** FUNC EVENTS **/

	// Func test event
	function func_event(arg, ent, event) {
		if (typeof arg === "string")
			handlers.text({ sub_type: "message", message: `Call with arg: ${arg}`, message_RU: `Вызов с аргументом: ${arg}` });
			handlers.text({ sub_type: "message", message: "Call without args", message_RU: "Вызов без аргументов" });

	// Text test event
	function text_event(ent, event) {
		handlers.text({ sub_type: "message", message: "Text handler", message_RU: "Обработчик text" });

	// Spawn test event
	function spawn_event(ent, event) {
		handlers.spawn({ func: "circle", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 250, 0, 2000] });

	// Marker test event
	function marker_event(ent, event) {
		// Add marker with long duration
		handlers.marker({ id: ent.gameId, color: "yellow", sub_delay: 50000 });

		// Remove all markers
		handlers.marker_remove_all({ delay: 2000 });

	// Test event
	function test_event() {
		// Event handler
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "Event handler", message_RU: "Обработчик event" },
			{ type: "spawn", func: "circle", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 250, 0, 2000] },
			{ type: "marker", color: "blue", delay: 0, sub_delay: 5000 }

	let condition = false;

	return {

		/** GAME EVENTS **/

		"die": [{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "Death", message_RU: "Смерть" }],
		"resurrect": [{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "Resurrect", message_RU: "Воскрешение" }],


		"func": [
			{ type: "func", func: func_event, args: ["My Argument"] },
			{ type: "func", func: func_event, delay: 3000 }

		/** LIST EVENTS **/

		// Just call events in the function
		"event": [
			{ type: "func", func: test_event }

		// Call list of events directly
		"event_list": [
			{ type: "event", args: [
				{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "Text", message_RU: "Сообщение" },
				{ type: "spawn", func: "circle", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 250, 0, 2000] }

		// You are crazy??!
		"event_crazy": [
			{ type: "event", args: [
				{ type: "event", args: [
					{ type: "func", func: test_event }


		// Native
		"text": [
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "Standard text", message_RU: "Стандартное сообщение" },
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "alert", message: "Alert text", message_RU: "Важное сообщение", delay: 2000 },
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "warning", message: "Warning text", message_RU: "Предупреждающее сообщение", delay: 4000 },
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "notification", message: "Notification text", message_RU: "Уведомление", delay: 6000 }

		// Func
		"text_func": [
			{ type: "func", func: text_event }


		// Native
		"spawn": [
			// Item [item, angle, distance, delay, duration]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "item", args: [88704, 0, 100, 0, 2000] },

			// Marker [target, angle, distance, delay, duration, highlight, label]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "marker", args: [false, 0, 100, 2000, 2000, true, ["Test", "Marker"]] },

			// Point [item, angle, distance, delay, duration]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "point", args: [537, 0, 100, 4000, 2000] },

			// Vector [item, offsetAngle, offsetDistance, angle, length, delay, duration]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "vector", args: [553, 0, 0, 0, 300, 6000, 2000] },

			// Circle [target, item, offsetAngle, offsetDistance, interval, radius, delay, duration]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "circle", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 250, 8000, 2000] },

			// Semicircle [degree1, degree2, item, offsetAngle, offsetDistance, interval, radius, delay, duration]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "semicircle", args: [-90, 90, 553, 0, 0, null, 150, 10000, 2000] },

			// Native spawn
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "item", id: 206960, offset: 0, distance: 100, delay: 12000, sub_delay: 2000 }

		// Highlight
		"spawn_hl": [
			// [item, angle, distance, delay, duration]
			{ type: "spawn", func: "item", args: [MARKER_ITEM, 41, 135, 0, 10000] },
			{ type: "spawn", func: "item", args: [HIGHLIGHT_ITEM, 25, 110, 0, 10000] },
			{ type: "spawn", func: "item", args: [HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_BLUE, 0, 100, 0, 10000] },
			{ type: "spawn", func: "item", args: [HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_PURPLE, -25, 110, 0, 10000] },
			{ type: "spawn", func: "item", args: [HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_RED, -41, 135, 0, 10000] }

		// Bonfire
		"bonfire": [
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "bonfire", id: "normal", angle: 41, distance: 135, sub_delay: 10000 },
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "bonfire", id: "blue", angle: 25, distance: 110, sub_delay: 10000 },
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "bonfire", id: "purple", angle: 0, distance: 100, sub_delay: 10000 },
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "bonfire", id: "santa", angle: -25, distance: 110, sub_delay: 10000 },
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "bonfire", id: "fire", angle: -41, distance: 135, sub_delay: 10000 },
			{ type: "spawn", sub_type: "bonfire", id: "sacrifice", angle: 0, distance: -200, sub_delay: 10000 }

		// Func
		"spawn_func": [
			{ type: "func", func: spawn_event }

		// Spawn items with tag
		"spawn_tag": [
			{ type: "spawn", func: "circle", tag: "test", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 250, 0, 10000] },
			{ type: "spawn", func: "circle", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 150, 0, 10000] }

		// Despawn tagged items
		"despawn_tag": [{ type: "despawn_all", tag: "test" }],


		// Native
		"marker": [
			// Add marker
			{ type: "marker", color: "red", sub_delay: 2000 },
			{ type: "marker", color: "yellow", delay: 2000, sub_delay: 2000 },
			{ type: "marker", color: "blue", delay: 4000, sub_delay: 50000 }, // long duration

			// Remove marker
			{ type: "marker_remove", delay: 6000 }

		// Func
		"marker_func": [
			{ type: "func", func: marker_event }


		// Native
		"timers": [
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "notification", message: "Type despawn_all for despawn", message_RU: "Введите despawn_all для деспауна" },

			// Spawn a cicrle with 5 sec duration
			{ type: "spawn", func: "circle", args: [true, 553, 0, 0, null, 250, 0, 5000] },

			// Stop all timers (clears all despawn events)
			{ type: "stop_timers", delay: 1000 },

			// This will never start, because the timers for its delay were cleared in the "stop_timers" event
			// But it will start if set the delay more that 2000 in "stop_timers" event
			{ type: "despawn_all", delay: 2000 }

		// Toggle this to despawn spawned circle without its despawn event
		"despawn_all": [
			{ type: "despawn_all" }

		/** TEST ALIASES **/

		// Native
		"alias": [
			// Call event of the entry key "text"
			{ type: "alias", id: "text" },

			// Call event of the entry key "spawn"
			{ type: "alias", id: "spawn", delay: 8000 }

		// Short alias
		"alias_short": "text",

		// Alias error
		"alias_error": [
			// This is gets a error
			{ type: "alias", id: "alias_error" }


		// Set test variable to true
		"cond_true": [{ type: "func", func: () => condition = true }],

		// Set test variable to false
		"cond_false": [{ type: "func", func: () => condition = false }],

		// Filter event by test variable
		"cond_test": [
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "True", message_RU: "Истина", check_func: () => condition === true },
			{ type: "text", sub_type: "message", message: "False", message_RU: "Ложь", check_func: () => condition === false }
