AnnaBellaDB (ABDB) is a proof-of-concept (PoC) network latency and access-pattern aware key-value store. In our opinion, this solution is ideal to adapt the stateless design and use AnnaBellaDB as a cloud database where the application states could be externalized.
We have published our experiences with ABDB in the research paper titled AnnaBellaDB: Key-Value Store Made Cloud Native
For more info visit:
See how it worked at ACM SIGCOMM 2020 demo:
Our presentation at IEEE/IFIP CNSM 2020:
ABDB has been forked from one of the most effective key-value store from the academy, called AnnaDB which was developed in in the RISE Lab at UC Berkeley.
More info about AnnaDB can be found at:
You have three choices to deploy your annabellaDB cluster: