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Ls/standardize compound unit for samples/144
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lshandross authored Jan 28, 2025
2 parents 25849c0 + 27c11f4 commit 827c9f5
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Showing 10 changed files with 856 additions and 224 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# hubEnsembles (development version)

* `linear_pool()` now supports the simplest case of ensembling samples, where all component samples are collected and returned (#109)
* `linear_pool()` supports requesting a subset of component model sample forecasts when ensembling samples (#144)
* `linear_pool()` supports the specification of the compound task ID set, so that trajectory samples can be correctly ensembled (#144)
* `linear_pool()` supports the simplest case of ensembling samples, where all component samples are collected and returned (#109)

# hubEnsembles 0.1.9

Expand Down
43 changes: 37 additions & 6 deletions R/linear_pool.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,20 @@
#' @param ... parameters that are passed to `distfromq::make_q_fn`, specifying
#' details of how to estimate a quantile function from provided quantile levels
#' and quantile values for `output_type` `"quantile"`.
#' @param compound_taskid_set `character` vector of the compound task ID variable
#' set. This argument is only relevant for `output_type` `"sample"`. Can be one
#' of three possible values, with the following meanings:
#' - `NA`: the compound_taskid_set is not relevant for the current modeling task
#' - `NULL`: samples are from a multivariate joint distribution across all levels
#' of all task id variables
#' - Equality to `task_id_cols`: samples are from separate univariate distributions
#' for each individual prediction task
#' Defaults to NA. Derived task ids must be included if all of the task ids their
#' values depend on are part of the `compound_taskid_set`.
#' @param derived_tasks `character` vector of derived task IDs (variables whose
#' values depend on that of other task ID variables). Defaults to NULL, meaning
#' there are no derived task IDs.
#' @param n_output_samples `numeric` that specifies how many sample forecasts to
#' return per unique combination of task IDs. Currently the only supported value
#' is NULL, in which case all provided component model samples are collected and
Expand All @@ -34,6 +48,13 @@
#' Steps 1 and 2 in this process are performed by `distfromq::make_q_fn`.
#' When the `output_type` is `sample`, we obtain the resulting linear pool by
#' collecting samples from each model, updating the `output_type_id` values to be
#' unique for predictions that are not joint across, and pooling them together.
#' If there is a restriction on the number of samples to output per compound unit,
#' this number is divided evenly among the models for that compound unit (with any
#' remainder distributed randomly).
#' @return a `model_out_tbl` object of ensemble predictions. Note that any
#' additional columns in the input `model_out_tbl` are dropped.
Expand All @@ -58,24 +79,33 @@ linear_pool <- function(model_out_tbl, weights = NULL,
weights_col_name = "weight",
model_id = "hub-ensemble",
task_id_cols = NULL,
compound_taskid_set = NA,
derived_tasks = NULL,
n_samples = 1e4,
n_output_samples = NULL,
...) {

# validate_ensemble_inputs
valid_types <- c("mean", "quantile", "cdf", "pmf", "sample")
validated_inputs <- model_out_tbl |>
validate_ensemble_inputs(weights = weights,
weights_col_name = weights_col_name,
task_id_cols = task_id_cols,
valid_output_types = valid_types)
validated_inputs <- validate_ensemble_inputs(
weights = weights,
weights_col_name = weights_col_name,
task_id_cols = task_id_cols,
compound_taskid_set = compound_taskid_set,
derived_tasks = derived_tasks,
n_output_samples = n_output_samples,
valid_output_types = valid_types

model_out_tbl_validated <- validated_inputs$model_out_tbl
weights_validated <- validated_inputs$weights
task_id_cols_validated <- validated_inputs$task_id_cols
compound_taskid_set_validated <- validated_inputs$compound_taskid_set

# calculate linear opinion pool for different types
split_models <- split(model_out_tbl_validated,
split_models <- split(
f = model_out_tbl_validated$output_type
ensemble_model_outputs <- split_models |>
Expand All @@ -99,6 +129,7 @@ linear_pool <- function(model_out_tbl, weights = NULL,
weights_col_name = weights_col_name,
model_id = model_id,
task_id_cols = task_id_cols_validated,
compound_taskid_set = compound_taskid_set_validated,
n_output_samples = n_output_samples)
}) |>
Expand Down
215 changes: 181 additions & 34 deletions R/linear_pool_sample.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,36 +21,54 @@ linear_pool_sample <- function(model_out_tbl, weights = NULL,
weights_col_name = "weight",
model_id = "hub-ensemble",
task_id_cols = NULL,
n_output_samples = NULL) {
validate_sample_inputs(model_out_tbl, weights, weights_col_name, compound_taskid_set, n_output_samples)

validate_sample_inputs(model_out_tbl, weights, weights_col_name, n_output_samples)

# assign equal weight to all models if weights were not provided
num_models <- length(unique(model_out_tbl$model_id))
samples_per_model <- model_out_tbl |>
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across("model_id")) |>
dplyr::summarize(provided_n_component_samples = dplyr::n()) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::select("model_id", "provided_n_component_samples") |>
dplyr::distinct(.keep_all = TRUE)
unique_provided_samples <- unique(samples_per_model[["provided_n_component_samples"]])

if (is.null(weights)) {
weights <- data.frame(
model_id = unique(model_out_tbl$model_id),
weight = 1 / num_models,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
weights_col_name <- "weight"
weights[[weights_col_name]] <- 1 / num_models

# ensure that the weights are equal for every model;
# we only support this setting for now
unique_weights <- unique(weights[[weights_col_name]])
if (length(unique_weights) != 1) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg weights} must be {.val NULL} or equal for every model")

if (length(unique_weights) != 1 || length(unique_provided_samples) != 1 || !is.null(n_output_samples)) {
"The requested ensemble calculation doesn't satisfy all conditions:
1) {.arg model_out_tbl} contains the same number of samples from each component model,
2) {.arg weights} are {.val NULL} or equal for every model,
3) {.arg n_output_samples} = {.val NULL}"
if (!is.null(n_output_samples)) {
# calculate the number of samples to draw from each model for each unique
# combination of compound task ID set variables
samples_per_combo <- calc_samples_per_combo(

# ensure that requested output samples per compound un doesn't exceed amount provided;
# we only support this setting for now
if (any(samples_per_combo$provided_samples < samples_per_combo$target_samples)) {
cli::cli_abort("Requested {.arg n_output_samples} cannot exceed the provided samples per compound unit.")

# draw the target number of samples from each model for each unique
# combination of compound task ID set variables
split_model_compound_set_tbl <- split(
f = model_out_tbl[, c("model_id", compound_taskid_set)]
model_out_tbl <- split_model_compound_set_tbl |>
purrr::map(.f = draw_target_samples, samples_per_combo, compound_taskid_set) |>

model_out_tbl |>
Expand All @@ -60,8 +78,8 @@ linear_pool_sample <- function(model_out_tbl, weights = NULL,

#' Make the output type ID values of sample forecasts unique for the same
#' combination of task IDs but different models
#' Make the output type ID values of sample forecasts distinct for different
#' models
#' @param model_out_tbl an object of class `model_out_tbl` with component
#' model outputs (e.g., predictions).
Expand All @@ -82,34 +100,141 @@ make_sample_indices_unique <- function(model_out_tbl) {
dplyr::mutate(output_type_id = paste0(.data[["model_id"]], .data[["output_type_id"]]))

if (numeric_output_type_ids) {
new_indices_outputs |>
dplyr::mutate(output_type_id = as.integer(factor(.data[["output_type_id"]])))
output_type_id = as.integer(factor(.data[["output_type_id"]], levels = unique(.data[["output_type_id"]])))
} else {

#' Helper function for drawing the requested number of samples from each model for
#' every unique combination of compound task ID set variables when requesting a
#' linear pool of the `sample` output type.
#' @inheritParams linear_pool
#' @param model_compound_set_tbl a `model_out_tbl` of all the sample predictions for
#' a single, unique combination of compound task ID set variables for a particular
#' model
#' @param samples_per_combo a `data.frame` giving the number of provided and
#' target samples for every unique combination of compound task ID set variables
#' for each model, with columns: "model_id", compound task id set variables,
#' "provided_samples", "weight", "effective_weight", and "target_samples".
#' @noRd
#' @return a `model_out_tbl` containing the requested number sample predictions for a
#' single, unique combination of compound task ID set variables for a particular
#' model, drawn from the provided `model_compound_set_tbl`
#' @importFrom rlang .data
draw_target_samples <- function(model_compound_set_tbl, samples_per_combo, compound_taskid_set) {
if (nrow(model_compound_set_tbl) == 0) {

# current_compound_taskid_set has 1 row, where the column
# `target_samples` is the number of samples to draw for this
# combination of model_id and compound task ID set variables
current_compound_taskid_set <- dplyr::left_join(
model_compound_set_tbl[1, ],
by = c("model_id", compound_taskid_set)
provided_indices <- unique(model_compound_set_tbl$output_type_id)

sample_idx <- sample(x = provided_indices, size = current_compound_taskid_set$target_samples, replace = FALSE)
dplyr::filter(model_compound_set_tbl, .data[["output_type_id"]] %in% sample_idx)

#' Helper function for computing the requested number of samples from each model for
#' every unique combination of compound task ID set variables when requesting a
#' linear pool of the `sample` output type.
#' @inheritParams linear_pool
#' @noRd
#' @return a `data.frame` giving the number of provided and target samples for every
#' unique combination of compound task ID set variables for each model, with columns:
#' "model_id", compound task id set variables, "provided_samples", "weight",
#' "effective_weight", and "target_samples".
#' @importFrom rlang .data
calc_samples_per_combo <- function(model_out_tbl, weights,
n_output_samples) {
weight_by_cols <- colnames(weights)[colnames(weights) != weights_col_name]
samples_per_combo <- model_out_tbl |>
# for each unique combination of model_id and compound task ID set variables,
# calculate the number of unique output type IDs (i.e., samples) provided
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c("model_id", compound_taskid_set)))) |>
dplyr::summarize(provided_samples = length(unique(.data[["output_type_id"]]))) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
!!!rlang::syms(c("model_id", compound_taskid_set)),
fill = list(provided_samples = 0)
) |>
# add model weights
dplyr::left_join(weights, weight_by_cols) |>
# calculate the target number of samples to draw from each model for each unique
# combination of compound task ID set variables.
# for each compound unit, models with no provided samples will have 0 target samples
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(compound_taskid_set))) |>
effective_weight = as.integer(.data[["provided_samples"]] > 0) * .data[[weights_col_name]],
effective_weight = .data[["effective_weight"]] / sum(.data[["effective_weight"]]),
target_samples = floor(.data[["effective_weight"]] * n_output_samples)
) |>

if (is.null(compound_taskid_set)) {
samples_per_combo <- list(samples_per_combo)
} else {
samples_per_combo <- split(samples_per_combo, f = samples_per_combo[, compound_taskid_set])
# deal with n_output_samples not divisible evenly among component models
samples_per_combo <- samples_per_combo |>
purrr::map(.f = function(split_per_combo) {
actual_output_samples <- sum(split_per_combo$target_samples)
remainder_samples <- n_output_samples - actual_output_samples
valid_models <- split_per_combo$model_id[split_per_combo$provided_samples > 0]
models_to_resample <- sample(x = valid_models, size = remainder_samples)

target_samples = ifelse(
.data[["model_id"]] %in% models_to_resample,
.data[["target_samples"]] + 1,
}) |>

#' Perform simple validations on the inputs used to calculate a linear pool
#' of samples
#' @inheritParams linear_pool
#' @param model_out_tbl an object of class `model_out_tbl` with component
#' model outputs (e.g., predictions). May only contain the "sample" output type.
#' @param weights an optional `data.frame` with component model weights. If
#' provided, it should have a column named `model_id` and a column containing
#' model weights. Default to `NULL`, which specifies an equally-weighted ensemble
#' @param weights_col_name `character` string naming the column in `weights`
#' with model weights. Defaults to `"weight"`
#' @param n_output_samples `numeric` that specifies how many sample forecasts to
#' return per unique combination of task IDs. Currently the only supported value
#' is NULL, in which case all provided component model samples are collected and
#' returned.
#' model weights. Optionally, it may contain additional columns corresponding to
#' variables in the compound task ID set for weights specific to the sample output
#' type. Defaults to `NULL`, which specifies an equally-weighted ensemble.
#' @return no return value
#' @noRd
validate_sample_inputs <- function(model_out_tbl, weights = NULL,
weights_col_name = "weight",
n_output_samples = NULL) {
if (!identical(unique(model_out_tbl$output_type), "sample")) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg model_out_tbl} should only contain the sample output type")
Expand All @@ -119,12 +244,34 @@ validate_sample_inputs <- function(model_out_tbl, weights = NULL,
cli::cli_abort("{.arg n_output_samples} must be {.val NULL} or an integer value")

if (!is.null(weights) && is.null(n_output_samples)) {
cli::cli_abort("Component model weights output samples provided,
so a number of ensemble samples {.arg n_output_samples} must be provided")
if (!is.null(weights) && length(unique(weights[[weights_col_name]])) != 1) {
if (is.null(n_output_samples)) {
cli::cli_abort("Component model weights were provided,
so a value for {.arg n_output_samples} must be provided")

if (!all(colnames(weights) %in% c("model_id", compound_taskid_set, weights_col_name))) {
cli::cli_abort("{.arg weights} may only vary for variables in the {.arg compound_taskid_set}.")

if (!is.null(weights) && !all(colnames(weights) %in% c("model_id", weights_col_name))) {
cli::cli_abort("Currently weights for different task IDs are not supported for the sample output type.")
# check that for each compound unit defined by the compound task ID set variables,
# all models provide the same number of samples
same_num_output_ids <- model_out_tbl |>
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(compound_taskid_set, "model_id")))) |>
dplyr::summarize(num_output_type_id = length(.data[["output_type_id"]])) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::group_split(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(compound_taskid_set)))) |>
purrr::map_lgl(.f = function(split_outputs) {
length(unique(split_outputs$num_output_type_id)) == 1

false_counter <- sum(!same_num_output_ids)
if (false_counter != 0) {
"x" = "{.arg model_out_tbl} contains {.val {false_counter}} sample distribution{?s} that cannot be ensembled.",
"i" = "Within each group defined by a combination of the compound task ID set
variables, all models must provide the same number of sample forecasts"

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