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LilyPond library which translates chant scores encoded in the gabc format to LilyPond data structures, allowing easy inclusion of gabc scores in LilyPond documents. This kind of easy:

\include "lilygabc.ily"

\score {
  \gabc-file "path/to/score.gabc"

Originally inspired by this forum post. Given the vast amount of chant transcriptions available in the gabc format, it makes sense to provide first class support for this music encoding format in LilyPond.

While LilyPond is not the first option for chant typesetting in terms of output quality, there are still plenty of use cases where a convenient way to include existing gabc scores is useful.


Only LilyPond is required for using the provided LilyPond commands.

Developed with LilyPond 2.24 (built with Guile 2.2). Status on other versions is unknown.

For building the example documents: free fonts "Junicode" and "Linux Libertine O".

For running tests:

  • Guile
  • Bash
  • GNU Make (or compatible)
  • diff (from GNU diffutils or compatible)
  • optionally Guile Library (for colourful test results)

For building the Gregorio vs. lilygabc visual test (make visual_tex):

  • LuaLaTex
  • the lyluatex package
  • Gregorio
  • Guile GnuTLS bindings (Debian: apt-get install guile-gnutls)


(See also: Examples directory, API Manual)

lilygabc supports rendering gabc scores both in modern notation and in square notation.

Modern notation

The resulting scores are by default very bare-bones. Two layout variables with settings suitable for chant in modern notation are provided. It's suggested to include one of them either in the global \layout{ } block, or in the layout block of each lilygabc score.

\include "lilygabc.ily"

\score {
  % gabc music from an inline string
    "(c4) Ju(e)bi(f)lá(g')te(f) De(d_f)o(f'_) (,)
    o(f)mnis(f) ter(e_f)ra,(d) al(f)le(fg)lú(e.)ia.(e.) (::)
    E(h) u(g) o(h) u(ih) a(gf) e.(e.) (::)"

  \layout {
    % use a provided layout variable for reasonable default settings

\score {
  % load a gabc file
  \gabc-file "path/to/score.gabc"

  \layout {

When engraving the document it's necessary to add the lilygabc root directory to LilyPond include paths:

$ lilypond --include=path/to/lilygabc

Example output: modern notation

Square notation

Analogically to \gabc and \gabc-file there are commands \gabc-vaticana and \gabc-vaticana-file generating square notation.

Note that in this case it's necessary to \include "" in addition to lilygabc. (lilygabc doesn't include by default and leaves it to the user, because changes global settings quite recklessly and the user should be in control over if and when these changes are applied.)

% MUST be included BEFORE lilygabc,
% otherwise bad things happen
\include ""

\include "lilygabc.ily"

\score {
    "(c4) Ju(e)bi(f)lá(g')te(f) De(d_f)o(f'_) (,)
    o(f)mnis(f) ter(e_f)ra,(d) al(f)le(fg)lú(e.)ia.(e.) (::)
    E(h) u(g) o(h) u(ih) a(gf) e.(e.) (::)"

  \layout {

Example output: square notation

(The square notation support in lilygabc is still very much a work in progress, limits of what LilyPond can do haven't been reached yet.)

Conversion script

A script is provided, which simply dumps the music structures built by lilygabc as either LilyPond or Scheme code. Be warned that the code thus produced is rather ugly.

$ ./bin/gabc2ly gabc_file.gabc
$ ./bin/gabc2ly --scheme gabc_file.gabc
$ ./bin/gabc2ly --vaticana gabc_file.gabc

Running tests

Automated tests:

$ make test

This command executes several layers of tests:

  • unit tests of the core Scheme modules
  • integration tests checking music structures produced by lilygabc against expected results coded manually in LilyPond
  • regression tests checking music structures of real-life scores against structures previously saved

Visual tests:

engrave the documents in tests/visual/, check results according to instructions in the resulting documents.
