Several fixes, also from contributors, four new polars, wrap around ins setup and several code improvements for CAN bus
- Add polar for Slingsby T65 Vega 15m (new feature)
- Add polar for UL 1comet, rectractable (RG) and fixed gear (FG) (new feature)
- Add polar for PZL PW-5 glider (new feature)
- Add polar for Crystal CB-15 with 100l water ballast (new feature)
- Correctly calculate stall- and max-speed when speed units is knots (epic bugfix)
- Fix bug in S2 setup, data monitor wasn't not shown (epic bugfix)
- Fix bug in data monitor channel selection (epic bugfix)
- Introduce unique CAN bus ID's for client/master XCV (epic bugfix)
- Allow line wrapping around in setup menu (broken, bugfix)
- Increase MTU potential 250 byte (negotiated) in BLE (improvement)
- Congestion handling for BLE for quicker (re-)connect (improvement)
- Preparation for new IML-20602 IMU chip (new feature)
- Fix a potential boot loop in IMU startup when I2C bus is blocked (epic bugfix)
- Code cleanup, remove files not needed and obsolete binaries (repo maintenance)
- CAN bus code cleanup and improvements (code improvement)