@infolis' best practices for logging with winston
Without configuration:
var log = require('infolis-logging')(module);
log.debug("Debugging is the fun part of coding", {"foo":'bar'});
This will log to
- STDOUT with color highlighting the log level and dumping any additional arguments using
after breaking up circular references. - a file
logs/#{__filename of the js module}.log
With configuration:
Create a module log.js
(just a convention, can be anything):
var InfolisLogging = require('infolis-logging');
module.exports = function MyLogging(callingModule) {
return InfolisLogging(callingModule, {
level: 'silly',
filename: 'foo-bar'
Then reference that module in your code instead of infolis-logging
var log = require('./log')(module)
log.silly('This line of code rints out a line of log');
Since it's just a thin layer atop Winston, the winston API can be used.
In addition, timers can be set up with logstart
and logstop
to profile things.