61 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- optimize publishing to Azure feeds and create a release workflow @bekiroguz (#1766)
- CI pipeline with build test and publish jobs @bekiroguz (#1762)
- Fix release pipeline by adding quotes to the sbt release command @bekiroguz (#1757)
- Release pipeline for Sonatype @bekiroguz (#1756)
- Added method to retrieve Interaction instances from recipe sieves @w8mr (#1751)
- Split Scala CI GitHub actions @bekiroguz (#1750)
- github actions: configure Scala CI pipeline @bekiroguz (#1749)
- remove obsolete Xanitizer github action and update github action version to v4 @bekiroguz (#1747)
- Pin http4s updates to 0.22.x to ensure cats-effect compatibility @bekiroguz (#1746)
- Type handling in Kotlin DSL still had a bug @jwalgemoed (#1745)
- chore: pin cats-retry to version 2 @bekiroguz (#1729)
- Add scala-steward configuration file for more optimized PRs @bekiroguz (#1728)
- Update azure-build.yaml for Azure Pipelines @bekiroguz (#1719)
- Update azure-build.yaml to fix indentation issue @bekiroguz (#1717)
- Update azure-build.yaml for Azure Pipelines @bekiroguz (#1714)
- Update azure-build.yaml to trigger pipeline for each PR created against master branch @bekiroguz (#1713)
- scala-steward non major library upgrades grouped @bekiroguz (#1711)
- Fixed the error mapping for the NoSuchIngredientException @Tim-Linschoten (#1699)
- Kotlin DSL patch @jwalgemoed (#1698)
- Add sieve to the kotlin dsl @wilmveel (#1688)
- Changed the eventListener to not use EventInstances with Data since this has a major impact on memory usage. @Tim-Linschoten (#1685)
- Sub recipe visualization @wilmveel (#1665)
- Implemented the AddMetaData for Bakery & the BakeryClient @Tim-Linschoten (#1664)
- Fixed the duplicated fireEvent logs for the in-memory Baker. @Tim-Linschoten (#1653)
- Release 4.0.0 @Tim-Linschoten (#1492)
- Add Kotlin DSL to documentation @basdgrt (#1498)
- Support generic ingredients with Java elements @basdgrt (#1494)
- Coroutine support @basdgrt (#1473)
- Readme rewrite @basdgrt (#1487)
- 1488 transform event fix @basdgrt (#1490)
- Changed the delete method to not start the Actor if it is not running. @Tim-Linschoten (#1489)
- Minor fixes to the new bake function of the dashboard. @Tim-Linschoten (#1486)
- Features helpful for recipes with Big ingredients. @Tim-Linschoten (#1481)
- Add Bake functionality to dashboard @wilmveel (#1471)
- Add CheckpointEvent to Baker @wilmveel (#1469)
- Kotlin dsl fix interaction original name @basdgrt (#1470)
- Delayed transition support & implementation for the TimerInteraction for AkkaBaker @Tim-Linschoten (#1468)
- Kotlin DSL doesn't work with Java interactions @basdgrt (#1465)
- Kotlin recipe dsl #1443 @wilmveel (#1449)
- Fix initialize cmd persist failure @Tim-Linschoten (#1453)
- Handled the situation that the initializeCmd better @Tim-Linschoten (#1452)
- Allows the adding of metadata on the bake itself. @Tim-Linschoten (#1448)
- Standarised the logging between the Baker implementations and added missing MDC information @Tim-Linschoten (#1447)
- Fix build status and maven central badges @basdgrt (#1437)
- updated http4sVersion to 0.21.34 @pausa (#1421)
- Allow to initialise baker with the external metrics registry @stasimus (#1380)
- Allows the possibility to add prefix to dashboard to run multiple behind one NGINX @Tim-Linschoten (#1371)
- Feature/add asserts like older versions @wwbakker (#1349)
- Develop @Tim-Linschoten (#1342)
- Implemented addMetaData for the InMemoryBaker components @Tim-Linschoten (#1341)
- Added the addMetaData feature for the AkkaBaker. @Tim-Linschoten (#1339)
- update netty-handler for CVE @pausa (#1335)
- Remove unused parameter from AkkBakerConfig. @wwbakker (#1329)
- New version of snakeyml. @wwbakker (#1326)
- Feature/fix and improve test coverage @wwbakker (#1314)
🧰 Maintenance
- Update joda-time to 2.13.0 @scala-steward (#1753)
- Patch updates @scala-steward (#1755)
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.2.0 @scala-steward (#1741)
- Update snakeyaml to 2.3 @scala-steward (#1742)
- Update circe-core, circe-generic, ... to 0.14.10 @scala-steward (#1738)
- Update netty-handler to 4.1.113.Final @scala-steward (#1739)
- Patch updates @scala-steward (#1743)
- Update sbt-scalafix to 0.12.1 @scala-steward (#1736)
- Update circe, logback, objenesis, bcpkix, bcprov, http4s, typesafeConfig versions @bekiroguz (#1732)
- Update kotlinx-coroutines-core, ... to 1.7.3 @scala-steward (#1547)
- Update java-driver-core, ... to 4.17.0 @scala-steward (#1539)
- Update protobuf-java to 3.25.4 @scala-steward (#1724)
- Update kafka-clients to 3.8.0 @scala-steward (#1725)
- Update spring-context, spring-core to 6.1.12 @scala-steward (#1727)
- Update jackson-core, jackson-databind to 2.17.2 @scala-steward (#1723)
- Update scalacheck to 1.18.0 @scala-steward (#1726)
- Update cats-core to 2.12.0 @scala-steward (#1681)
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.1.1 @scala-steward (#1712)
- Sbt and scala library upgrade @bekiroguz (#1710)
New Contributors
- @pausa made their first contribution in #1335
- @jwalgemoed made their first contribution in #1698
Full Changelog: v3.6.3...v4.1.0