61 commits
to main
since this release
This is a patch release of the Inrupt Solid Client Libraries for Java, recommended for production use.
This release is compatible with all previous 1.x releases.
Patch changes
- The latest version of the Inrupt Access Grants JSON-LD context (namely v2) is now sent when calling the legacy
andAccessGrantClient::query(URI, URI, ...)
, ensuring that all Access Credentials (both using the v1 and the v2 context) are returned.
Dependency updates
Below is a summary of the dependency updates included in this release:
- Apache Commons Text 1.13.0
- Guava 33.4.0
- Quarkus 3.17.5
- Spring Security 6.4.2
- Okio 3.10.2
Complete Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1