Always branch off branch main
before commiting changes, then push to remote and open a PR into main
A developer will then approve the PR and release.
Commit messages should reference a specific issue wherever possible.
We use ruff to lint and format this repository. The ruff settings are defined in pyproject.toml.
You can check for linting errors by running ruff check .
. This should be run within the ONE root directory for the pyproject configuration to be used.
The linter also checks for docstring formatting.
You should ensure all tests are running locally. We run tests using python unittest: python -m unittest discover
. This should be run within the ONE root directory. Coverage should also be checked as we keep coverage at 100%. Testing with coverage can be run with the following: coverage run --omit=one/tests/* -m unittest discover
Before merging to main, the CI checks that all unit tests pass and that coverage does not decrease. Merges should not occur until all checks pass.
The Github testing workflow can be in .github/workflows/main.yaml and is testing against Python version 3.10 and 3.12 on Ubuntu and Windows.
The divergent changes to the docs
branch should be pulled into your release branch as the .github/workflows/docs.yaml workflow is triggered by both pushes to main and docs.
On a release or feature branch, update the file with a terse list of changes for the release, oriented for users. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. We organize changes by 'added' - new functions/modules/packages; 'modified' - changes to current functions and modules; 'removed' - deleted functions/modules/packages. A short one or two sentence description below the version heading should describe the principle changes. For example:
## [Latest]( [X.X.X]
Short sentence describing major changes.
### Modified
- ...
### Added
- ...
### Removed
- ...
The ONE version should be iterated. The version is defined in one/ and follows the Python packaging semver specification.
- Patches (X.X.1) are small or urgent bug fixes or changes that don't affect compatibility.
- Minor releases (X.1.X) are new features such as added functions or small changes that don't cause major compatibility issues.
- Major releases (1.X.X) are major new features or changes that break backward compatibility in a big way.
Once merged to main you can make a release to PyPi using the .github/workflows/python-publish.yaml workflow:
- Draft a release on Github.
- Title the release as the version number, starting with 'v'.
- Copy and paste the release notes from
- Create a tag with the version. Note that in order to trigger a PyPi release the tag must begin with 'v', e.g.
The main contents file is found in docs/index.rst
. Some pages are written in markdown (.md), and
are in the docs/
folder. The rest are Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb), placed in the docs/notebooks/
The API reference is automatically generated from the docstrings in the code. Docstrings should follow
the NumPy style. Examples of the NumPy docstring format can be found here.
Commits to the 'docs' branch will trigger the documentation to compile and build automatically.
External users should open a pull request to this branch.
To build the docs locally, first ensure all the requirements are installed:
pip install -r requirements-docs.txt
Then run the file from within the docs/
folder with the -d flag:
cd docs/
python ./ -d
The HTML files are placed in docs/_build/html/