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support for online spikeglx reader
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oliche committed Mar 14, 2024
1 parent f1a556b commit d85d424
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,944 additions and 1,166 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# 0.10.0
## 0.10.0 2024-03-14
- add support for online spikeglx reader

# 0.9.0
## 0.9.2 2024-02-08
- `neurodsp` is now `ibldsp`. Drop-in replacement of the package name is all that is required to update. The `neurodsp` name will disappear on 01-Sep-2024; until then both names will work.
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
with open("", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
long_description =

with open('requirements.txt') as f:
require = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith('git+')]
with open("requirements.txt") as f:
require = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines() if not x.startswith("git+")]

author="The International Brain Laboratory",
description="Collection of tools for Neuropixel 1.0 and 2.0 probes data",
Expand All @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
package_dir={'': 'src'},
packages=setuptools.find_packages(where="src", exclude=['tests']),
package_dir={"": "src"},
packages=setuptools.find_packages(where="src", exclude=["tests"]),
py_modules=['spikeglx', 'neuropixel'],
py_modules=["spikeglx", "neuropixel"],
36 changes: 28 additions & 8 deletions src/ibldsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,17 @@ def denoise(WAV, x, y, r, imax=None, niter=1):
return WAV_

def cadzow_np1(wav, fs=30000, rank=5, niter=1, fmax=7500, h=None, ovx=int(16), nswx=int(32), npad=int(0)):
def cadzow_np1(
Apply Fxy rank-denoiser to a full recording of Neuropixel 1 probe geometry
ntr - nswx has to be a multiple of (nswx - ovx)
Expand All @@ -124,11 +134,19 @@ def cadzow_np1(wav, fs=30000, rank=5, niter=1, fmax=7500, h=None, ovx=int(16), n
imax = np.searchsorted(fscale, fmax)
WAV = scipy.fft.rfft(wav[:, :])
padgain = * 2)[:npad]
WAV = np.r_[np.flipud(WAV[1:npad + 1, :]) * padgain[:, np.newaxis],
np.flipud(WAV[-npad - 2: - 1, :]) * np.flipud(np.r_[padgain, 1])[:, np.newaxis]] # apply padding
x = np.r_[np.flipud(h['x'][1:npad + 1]), h['x'], np.flipud(h['x'][-npad - 2: - 1])]
y = np.r_[np.flipud(h['y'][1:npad + 1]) - 120, h['y'], np.flipud(h['y'][-npad - 2: - 1]) + 120]
WAV = np.r_[
np.flipud(WAV[1 : npad + 1, :]) * padgain[:, np.newaxis],
np.flipud(WAV[-npad - 2 : -1, :]) * np.flipud(np.r_[padgain, 1])[:, np.newaxis],
] # apply padding
x = np.r_[
np.flipud(h["x"][1 : npad + 1]), h["x"], np.flipud(h["x"][-npad - 2 : -1])
y = np.r_[
np.flipud(h["y"][1 : npad + 1]) - 120,
np.flipud(h["y"][-npad - 2 : -1]) + 120,
WAV_ = np.zeros_like(WAV)
gain = np.zeros(ntr + npad * 2 + 1)
hanning = * 2 - 1)[0:ovx]
Expand All @@ -144,9 +162,11 @@ def cadzow_np1(wav, fs=30000, rank=5, niter=1, fmax=7500, h=None, ovx=int(16), n
gw = gain_window
gain[firstx:lastx] += gw
array = WAV[firstx:lastx, :]
array = denoise(array, x=x[firstx:lastx], y=y[firstx:lastx], r=rank, imax=imax, niter=niter)
array = denoise(
array, x=x[firstx:lastx], y=y[firstx:lastx], r=rank, imax=imax, niter=niter
WAV_[firstx:lastx, :] += array * gw[:, np.newaxis]

WAV_ = WAV_[npad:-npad - 1] # remove padding
WAV_ = WAV_[npad : -npad - 1] # remove padding
wav_ = scipy.fft.irfft(WAV_)
return wav_
24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions src/ibldsp/
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from iblutil.util import Bunch

REGEX_PATTERN = r'const int\s+\S+\s+=\s+\S+.+'
REGEX_PATTERN = r"const int\s+\S+\s+=\s+\S+.+"

def get_cuda(fn, **constants):
Expand All @@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ def get_cuda(fn, **constants):
:return: code: String
constants: Bunch
path = Path(__file__).parent / (fn + '.cu')
path = Path(__file__).parent / (fn + ".cu")
assert path.exists
code = path.read_text()
code = code.replace('__global__ void', 'extern "C" __global__ void')
code = code.replace("__global__ void", 'extern "C" __global__ void')
if not constants:
return code, Bunch(extract_constants_from_cuda(code))
return change_cuda_constants(code, constants)
Expand All @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ def extract_constants_from_cuda(code):
r = re.compile(REGEX_PATTERN)
m =
if m:
constants ='const int', '').replace(';', '').split(',')
constants ="const int", "").replace(";", "").split(",")
for const in constants:
a, b = const.strip().split('=')
a, b = const.strip().split("=")
yield a.strip(), int(b.strip())

Expand All @@ -49,14 +49,16 @@ def change_cuda_constants(code, constants):
r = re.compile(REGEX_PATTERN)
m = r.match(code)
assert m, 'No constants found in CUDA code'
assert m, "No constants found in CUDA code"
pattern_length = m.span(0)[1] - 1
default_constants_string ='const int', '').replace(';', '').split(',')
default_constants_string = ("const int", "").replace(";", "").split(",")
code_constants = {}

# Find default constants in CUDA code
for default_constants_string in default_constants_string:
name, value = default_constants_string.split('=')
name, value = default_constants_string.split("=")
code_constants[name.strip()] = int(value.strip())

# Replace default constants with the new user constants
Expand All @@ -65,9 +67,9 @@ def change_cuda_constants(code, constants):

new_strings = []
for name, value in code_constants.items():
new_strings.append(f'{name} = {value}')
new_constants_string = ', '.join(new_strings)
new_strings.append(f"{name} = {value}")
new_constants_string = ", ".join(new_strings)

new_code = f'const int {new_constants_string}{code[pattern_length:]}'
new_code = f"const int {new_constants_string}{code[pattern_length:]}"

return new_code, Bunch(code_constants)
26 changes: 19 additions & 7 deletions src/ibldsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,16 @@
from .voltage import _get_destripe_parameters, interpolate_bad_channels, kfilt

def destripe_array(data, fs=30000, fshigh=300., taper_size=64, sample_shifts=None, channel_labels=None,
channel_xcoords=None, channel_ycoords=None):
def destripe_array(
Applies de-striping to a cupy array
:param data: float32 cupy array, shape (n_channels, n_times)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,17 +47,21 @@ def destripe_array(data, fs=30000, fshigh=300., taper_size=64, sample_shifts=Non

# align channels if the time shifts are provided
if sample_shifts is not None:
sample_shifts = cp.array(sample_shifts, dtype='float32')
sample_shifts = cp.array(sample_shifts, dtype="float32")
data = channel_shift(data, sample_shifts)

# apply spatial filter
# TODO: Currently using default settings, should allow user to change this in function arguments
kfilt_kwargs = _get_destripe_parameters(fs, None, None, True)[1]

if channel_labels is not None:
data = interpolate_bad_channels(data, channel_labels, channel_xcoords, channel_ycoords, gpu=True)
data = interpolate_bad_channels(
data, channel_labels, channel_xcoords, channel_ycoords, gpu=True
inside_brain = cp.where(channel_labels != 3)[0]
data[inside_brain, :] = kfilt(data[inside_brain, :], gpu=True, **kfilt_kwargs) # apply the k-filter / CAR
data[inside_brain, :] = kfilt(
data[inside_brain, :], gpu=True, **kfilt_kwargs
) # apply the k-filter / CAR
data = kfilt(data, gpu=True, **kfilt_kwargs) # apply the k-filter / CAR

Expand All @@ -65,6 +77,6 @@ def get_sos(fs, fshigh, fslow=None):
:return: sos, second-order sections
if fslow and fslow < fs / 2:
return butter(3, (2 * fshigh / fs, 2 * fslow / fs), 'bandpass', output='sos')
return butter(3, (2 * fshigh / fs, 2 * fslow / fs), "bandpass", output="sos")
return butter(3, 2 * fshigh / fs, 'high', output='sos')
return butter(3, 2 * fshigh / fs, "high", output="sos")
39 changes: 21 additions & 18 deletions src/ibldsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def sosfiltfilt_gpu(sos, x, axis=-1):

n_sections, m = sos.shape
if m != 6:
raise ValueError('sos array must be shape (n_sections, 6)')
raise ValueError("sos array must be shape (n_sections, 6)")

ntaps = 2 * n_sections + 1
ntaps -= min((sos[:, 2] == 0).sum(), (sos[:, 5] == 0).sum())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,20 +64,20 @@ def sosfilt_gpu(sos, x, axis, zi):

n_sections, m = sos.shape
if m != 6:
raise ValueError('sos array must be shape (n_sections, 6)')
raise ValueError("sos array must be shape (n_sections, 6)")

x_zi_shape = list(x.shape)
x_zi_shape[axis] = 2
x_zi_shape = tuple([n_sections] + x_zi_shape)

if zi is not None:
assert zi.shape == x_zi_shape, f'zi has shape {zi.shape}, expected {x_zi_shape}'
zi = cp.array(zi, dtype='float32')
assert zi.shape == x_zi_shape, f"zi has shape {zi.shape}, expected {x_zi_shape}"
zi = cp.array(zi, dtype="float32")
zi = cp.zeros(x_zi_shape, dtype='float32')
zi = cp.zeros(x_zi_shape, dtype="float32")

sos = cp.array(sos, dtype='float32')
assert x.dtype == 'float32', f'Expected float32 data, got {x.dtype}'
sos = cp.array(sos, dtype="float32")
assert x.dtype == "float32", f"Expected float32 data, got {x.dtype}"

axis = axis % x.ndim
x = cp.ascontiguousarray(cp.moveaxis(x, axis, -1))
Expand All @@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ def sosfilt_gpu(sos, x, axis, zi):

def _cuda_sosfilt(sos, x, zi):

n_signals, n_samples = x.shape
n_sections = sos.shape[0]

n_blocks, n_threads = sosfilt_kernel_params(n_signals)

code, consts = get_cuda('sosfilt', n_signals=n_signals, n_samples=n_samples,
kernel = cp.RawKernel(code, 'sosfilt')
code, consts = get_cuda(
"sosfilt", n_signals=n_signals, n_samples=n_samples, n_sections=n_sections
kernel = cp.RawKernel(code, "sosfilt")
kernel((n_blocks,), (n_threads,), (sos, x, zi))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,17 +152,20 @@ def odd_ext(x, n, axis=-1):
if n < 1:
return x
if n > x.shape[axis] - 1:
raise ValueError(("The extension length n (%d) is too big. " +
"It must not exceed x.shape[axis]-1, which is %d.")
% (n, x.shape[axis] - 1))
raise ValueError(
"The extension length n (%d) is too big. "
+ "It must not exceed x.shape[axis]-1, which is %d."
% (n, x.shape[axis] - 1)
left_end = axis_slice(x, start=0, stop=1, axis=axis)
left_ext = axis_slice(x, start=n, stop=0, step=-1, axis=axis)
right_end = axis_slice(x, start=-1, axis=axis)
right_ext = axis_slice(x, start=-2, stop=-(n + 2), step=-1, axis=axis)
ext = cp.concatenate((2 * left_end - left_ext,
2 * right_end - right_ext),
ext = cp.concatenate(
(2 * left_end - left_ext, x, 2 * right_end - right_ext), axis=axis
return ext

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