Companion code for the accepted paper at NeurIPS'19 Workshop "Real Neurons & Hidden Units: Future directions at the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence".
Link to the paper on OpenReview : "Estimating encoding models of cortical auditory processing using naturalistic stimuli and transfer learning"
Written by :
- Nicolas Farrugia (Google Scholar)
- Victor Nepveu (Website)
- Camila Deycy (Github)
Our encoding models are trained on SoundNet features. We provided the SoundNet features, and also explain the method to regenerate them in step 1.
- Python 3.7
- nilearn
- sklearn
- pandas
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scipy
- tqdm
- pytorch
- soundfile
- librosa
- download the stimulus from openneuro : and convert it into a wave file at 22050 Hz.
- Follow the instructions here to download the sound8.pth
- run the notebook "1_ExtractSoundNetFeatures.ipynb"
Run the notebook "2_encoding_with_parcellation.ipynb"
Please read the instructions inside carefully, and configure the various path accordingly.
We include R2 maps for encoding models estimated on conv7 layer, using 1000 neurons in the hidden layers. ALl other maps can be regenerated using the provided code.