README files are usually written in the MARKDOWN format (.md is short for markdown).
bin/ = files you run directly in the terminal
- www = file we need to run to start our app (it displays the error pages)
models/ = Mongoose model files
public/ = Static files (just like before)
- images/ = image files
- javascripts/ = for FRONT END js
- stylesheets/ = for CSS
- style.scss = ONLY EDIT THIS FILE (it's a SASS file)
routes/ = where all the routes will be defined in multiple router files
- index.js = contains home page route and all the information page routes
views/ = HBS files (just like before)
- index.hbs = home page
- layout.hbs = layout file
- not-found.hbs = 404 page
- error.hbs = generic error page (not 404 errors)
.env = file for ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (more on this later)
- PORT = change the server's port number here
.gitignore = list of files/folders to NOT push to GitHub
app.js = connecting all the pieces of the app together
package-lock.json = specific versions of all our npm packages (so everyone has the same version)
package.json = list of all our npm packages AND our scripts
- use "npm run-script dev" to run the app
- = documentation of this project!