This project's about an app called Gif Life, our main focus is to make emphasis of the true power of laughing by allowing users to upload gifs and share with the world.
"A smile is the best way to start your day. Smile and be happy"
🌐 Live demo here.
🤖 To be able to develop this project I used different technologies including the Giphy API and other technologies, but the main stack to develop this project is React + TailwindCSS + Node.js + Express.js + MongoDB
- React
- TailwindCSS
- React query
- Vite
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Mongoose
- Multer
- Cloudinary
- Dotenv
- Helmet
- Cors
- Postman API calls
- Vercel deployment in the frontend
- Vercel deployment in the backend
- MongoDB Atlas deployment database
- Cloudinary to store all gifs and files
- Innovative design changing the patterns of common Gifs web apps
- Responsive design and easy to use.
- Upload Gifs faster with the characteristics that you specify.
- Filter and search all the gifs in an easy way
Clone the project
Go to the project directory, if you are not
cd gif-life
Install dependencies in frontend and backend
npm install
Start the server in frontend
npm run dev
Start the server in backend
npm run server
Room for improvement and next steps:
- Animations with framer
- Making a social network so the app is able to give likes, comments and make friends via Gifs.
This project was inspired by the motivation to improve and to be better, always believe and dream big.
"The sky is only the beginning"