redmine-net-api is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application
- Uses Redmine's REST API.
- Supports both XML and JSON(requires .NET Framework 3.5 or higher) formats
- Supports GZipped responses from servers
- This API provides access and basic CRUD operations (create, update, delete) for the resources described below
- Attachments
- Custom Fields
- Enumerations
- Groups
- Issues
- Issue Categories
- Issue Relations
- Issue Statuses
- News(implementation for index only)
- Projects
- Project Memberships
- Queries
- Roles
- Time Entries
- Trackers
- Users
- Versions
- Wiki Pages
Most of the time, the API requires authentication. To enable the API-style authentication, you have to check Enable REST API in Administration -> Settings -> Authentication. Then, authentication can be done in 2 different ways: using your regular login/password via HTTP Basic authentication. using your API key which is a handy way to avoid putting a password in a script. The API key may be attached to each request in one of the following way:
- passed in as a "key" parameter
- passed in as a username with a random password via HTTP Basic authentication
- passed in as a "X-Redmine-API-Key" HTTP header (added in Redmine 1.1.0) You can find your API key on your account page ( /my/account ) when logged in, on the right-hand pane of the default layout.
User Impersonation
As of Redmine 2.2.0, you can impersonate user through the REST API by setting the X-Redmine-Switch-User header of your API request. It must be set to a user login (eg. X-Redmine-Switch-User: jsmith). This only works when using the API with an administrator account, this header will be ignored when using the API with a regular user account.
If the login specified with the X-Redmine-Switch-User header does not exist or is not active, you will receive a 412 error response.
## Help me help you ## Your feedback is crucial. If you find anything that could improve the API, let me know. I will gladly receive your input and make the proper adjustments.
If you find this API useful let others know about it and/or rate it.
Your contribution is always welcome.
## Licence ## The API is released under Apache 2 open-source license. You can use it for both personal and commercial purposes, build upon it and modify it.