- a computer program that records every keystroke made by a computer user, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.
- keylogger use pynput
- written by python 3.7
- No installation required
- keylogger will check in machine have install pynput if not will install it in background silent mode
- handle the backspace key
- handle the Caps Lock key
- run in background
- run in root privilege and non-root privilege
- send email attached log file
- grep public IP
- grep local IP
- grep user name
- grep host name
- grep ssid '3 interface'
- if run as root will grep WiFi password
- keylogger will add the new two entry at crontab scheduling
- by default will run after 30 mints and will kill the process ever 29 min
- to change the time set in script your tins as the pic
- the script not run as @reboot so do not set the crontab at @reboot you will git error X server not running
- if set time every hour the keylogger will run at the time you set
- the script use Display environment to work in background by default Display environment set to loop 0 or 1
- git clone https://www.github.com/jac11/Keylogger_linux.git
- copy the file USB or what ever mouthed you like and run the keylogger in terminal one time use 'python3 Lin_keylogger.py'
- if run in root account keylogger will copy itself to /etc/.Cpython3/.Lin_keylogger.pyw
- if user account keylogger will copy itself to /home/'user name'/.Cpython3/.Lin_keylogger.pyw
- keylogger will add the two entry at crontab scheduling one to start process and one for kill the process scheduling between both
- keylogger will send email to your Gmail account
- encode your email and password bes64 and add to the variable see the pic down blow
- keylogger will do auto decode bes64 then will send email
- set the timer for email by second so if you set after 1 min set 60 second
- online web convert from minutes to seconds https://www.convertunits.com/from/minutes/to/seconds
- the code by default encoder is UTF-8
- English language
- UTF-8 support Unicode so can work fine with other language
- [email protected] *thank you