This is refactoring job for Horiseon Social Solution Services, an online marketing company. The page looks exactly the same as it did when I started on it but the HTML has been organized to follow proper semantics. By that I mean using the proper HTML tags for specific sections of the website. The index.html was also improved with visually cleaner grouping, primarily via line spacing and indentation. A lot of unnecessary classes were removed from the CSS stylesheet and some of it was consolidated. This considerably reduced the amount code in the stylesheet. The order of CSS code was rearranged to follow the semantic structure of the HTML. That means if they followed the order that they came into use on the HTML. I commented on every section of the webpage so in the .HTML and .CSS files so that they are clearly defined. The first navbar link was fixed to scroll down to the search engine optimization section when clicked. And the header which displays browser tag information was fixed to display the company name.