Basic example of chemostat (or continuous) cultivation using an FMU from Bioprocess Library for Modelica. Below script and diagram with a typical simulations of chemostat cultivation that you will get at the end of the notebook.
You start up the notebook in Colab by pressing here start BPL notebook or alternatively (experimentally) start BPL notebook with FMPy. Then you in the menu choose Runtime/Run all. If you have chosen the altarnative with FMPy click first on the symbol Open in Colab.
The installation takes just a few minutes. The subsequent execution of the simulations of microbial growth take just a second or so. You can continue in the notebook and make new simulations and follow the examples given.
Note that:
- The script occassionaly get stuck during installation. Then just close the notebook and start from scratch.
- Remember, you need to have a google-account!
Just to be clear, no installation is done at your local computer.
License information:
- The binary-file with extension FMU is shared under the permissive MIT-license
- The other files are shared under the GPL 3.0 license