repository-like tool based on MongoDB, Celery, and Click
- aimed at basic manipulation of the data in the database ** not for "normal" operations
- file ops: create, read, update, delete, query, count, ckquery
- filesys ops: fsyscreate, fsysread, fsysupdate, fsysdelete, fsysquery
- dir ops: dircreate, dirread, dirupdate, dirdelete, dirquery ** directories are currently an odd mix of related-file-groups and directory/folders in file-system ** this is really to allow users to "claim" groups of files that they are responsible for
- user ops: usercreate, userread, userupdate, userdelete, userquery
- wipe: wipe out/delete ALL info in database (all file/fsys/dir/user data)
- logpath: show logical path for a given file
- "normal" nightly/periodic operations
- scan - walk a file-system and ingest new files
- sync - push any new/missing files from primary to secondary ** submits copy_file tasks to back-end
- verify - check fixity info on files ** submits verify_existing_file tasks to back-end
- checkpolicy - checks files for compliance with "policies" ** file size >= 0; checksum is not blank; N copies of each file
- attachdirs - scan all files and attach them to known directories
- "normal" operations
- dedupe - list duplicate checksums
- pending - query for files that have 'pending' info in their tags
- cleantags - remove file-objs from db that match a tag-query
- tagall - tag all files that match a given filename pattern
- filestats - calculate some basic stats on all files in a subdir
- used for more complex tag-queries
- tagfullquery - walk through every item in database (could be slow)
- tagquery - Qfilter/Qcombination (faster) tag-query
- count - count objects matching the (simple) tag-query
- tagimages - simple scan for image-file metadata (all files in a subdir) ** submits tag_image_data tasks to the back-end ** png/jpeg/gif/tiff files; uses PIL to detect sizes and EXIF data ** stored into tag-list with keys 'image' (T/F), image_type/_mode/_width/_height/_device/_datetime
- walktag - walk a subdir and tag all files in it
- main worker-bee code that processes background tasks
- connects to celery-db (in mongo) and waits for tasks
- includes and (which includes
- more of an example on how to write aux modules to work with the system ** works with on the backend
- calcrepair - submits calc_repair tasks for all files in a subdir ** stores repair info into tag-list (key is 'filerepair')
- verifyrepair - submits verify_repair tasks for all files in a subdir
- wiperepair - submits wipe_repair tasks for all files in a subdir ** removes the 'filerepair' key from the tag-list
- simulator for tape-based file-systems
- tapescan - process simulated data on a per-tape basis ** assumes a way to get all the files that live on a given tape