Management for indentation level.
Interface that combine all the indentation variables from each major mode to one giant list.
- Decouple from user knowing each major mode's indentation level variable. (if have)
- Keep the indentation level across buffers. If you changed the indentation level
buffer A
and switch tobuffer B
with the same major mode; they will have the same indentation level.
You can tweak variable indent-control-records
to set the initial
indentation level for each major mode.
(setq indent-control-records
'((actionscript-mode . 4)
(c-mode . 4)
(c++-mode . 4)
(csharp-mode . 4)
(sql-mode . 1)
(typescript-mode . 4)
(web-mode . 2)
(yaml-mode . 2)))
These functions will change the current indentation level for the major mode that you currently on.
You can tweak variable indent-control-delta
to change the size of the one
indentation level. The default value is 2
Is easy to make indentation level inherit last time modified in Emacs.
Just enable the global minor mode indent-control-mode
then it will
automatically records all changes from the indentation level.
This minor mode is already get called in prog-mode-hook
, but with some
major modes that they do not use inherit prog-mode
will not work!
You would have to manually called it in each mode's startup hook.
For instance actionscript-mode
doesn't inherit prog-mode
so you would
have to do the following.
(defun my-actionscript-mode-hook ()
"My actionscript mode hook."
(add-hook 'actionscript-mode-hook #'my-actionscript-mode-hook)
If you would like to contribute to this project, you may either clone and make pull requests to this repository. Or you can clone the project and establish your own branch of this tool. Any methods are welcome!
To run the test locally, you will need the following tools:
Install all dependencies and development dependencies:
eask install-deps --dev
To test the package's installation:
eask package
eask install
To test compilation:
eask compile
🪧 The following steps are optional, but we recommend you follow these lint results!
The built-in checkdoc
eask lint checkdoc
The standard package
eask lint package
📝 P.S. For more information, find the Eask manual at
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
for details.