- Docker Engine 24.0.7
- Postgres 15.5
- Documentum Server 23.4
- Documentum Administrator 23.4
- xPlore 22.1.4
- OpenText support account (with access to download Documentum software) https://support.opentext.com/
- Fast enough PC (not a potato...)
- Setup on a Windows 11 host (should work fine on a OSX/Linux machine but .bat files will need renaming)
- Checked Documentum compatability using the OpenText Documentum Infrastructure Certification Guide
- Uses the .yml files documentum_server_23.4_docker_compose_scripts.tar available from OpenText support (edited version included here)
- Docbase/Content Server/CS are used interchangeably but all mean the same thing.
- YML files could be combined into one
- No custom images have been used (e.g. taking an OT image and makes updates to it). This is so that new versions can be easily swapped in/out
- Install Docker (Engine or Desktop)
- https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Start Docker
- Edit the .env file and make any required changes (you can use the values as-is):
- The OpenText images are from a private OpenText registry.
- Enter your OpenText support credentials when requested.
- Check the images have downloaded either within Docker Desktop or using:
docker image ls
The other images will be downloaded automatically from Docker hub when used for the first time
- Run:
- Run:
- Wait for the Docbase to complete installation (could be 20/30 minutes depending on your computer) Wait for the following message to be displayed:
USAGE : /opt/dctm_docker/scripts/start_all_services.sh
- After that terminate the tail, and run:
- Run:
- Run:
- Run:
Installation is now complete.
- Open up IndexAgent, Login using the install owner credentials (dmadmin): http://localhost:9200/IndexAgent Select 'Start Index Agent in normal mode'. Full-Text searches can now be performed
Login to a container (in this case dctm-cs) and opening a bash terminal
docker exec -it dctm-cs bash
- DA: http://localhost:8080/da
- xPlore IndexAgent: http://localhost:9200/IndexAgent
- xPlore dSearch (check that it's working): http://localhost:9300/dsearch
- xPlore dSearch Admin console: http://localhost:9300/dsearchadmin
- pgAdmin: http://localhost:8888/
The xPlore administration console can be found at: http://localhost:9300/dsearchadmin Default login details are: name: admin password: password
Connect to the container
docker exec -u postgres -it postgres-dctm-23.4 bash
Login to DB and check it's working
docker-compose -f compose_dctm_base.yml config
Open up pgAdmin and login using the PGADMIN details within .env http://localhost:8888/
ps -e
- OpenText support site: https://support.opentext.com/
- Documentum Forum: https://forums.opentext.com/forums/developer/categories/documentum_developer/
- Great Documentum blog: https://blog.aldago.es/