Implementation of the 1977 linear time Lipton-Tarjan Planar Separator Theorem - finds a partition of a planar graph into sets A, B, and C. C is the 'separator set' of nodes that partitions it roughly in half, such that there are no edges directly from any node in A to any node in B. With a total of n nodes the size of C is bounded by 2 * sqrt(2) * sqrt(n), and the size of both A and B are bounded by 2*n/3.
This is intended to support further research into graph theory and applications such:
- Pebbling
- Boolean circuits and superconcentrators
- Maximal independent set problem
- Graph compression
- Distance structure calculations
- Polygon triangulation
- Jordan sorting
This codebase is built on top of the Boost Graph Library and is intended to further its goal of developing a resuable set of graph algorithms by providing a way to divide-and-conquer planar graphs in linear time. If you want to code against this library, the key API function is called lipton_tarjan and key output data structure is a Partition struct.
To use it on the command line as an app, create graph data files as a list of pairs of nodes. Several examples are in the graphs dir. App usage:
lt [graphfilename]
Calculates the planar separator of the graph provided
straightline [graphfilename]
Create a straight line drawing of a graph in graphviz format
Visualize this by piping the output into
For exapmle, to visualize graphs/in,
straightline graphs/in |
Produce and show a png image of the graphviz data coming from STDIN
planargen n e
Outputs a randomly generated planar graph with n vertices and e edges
Note that e must be <= 3n-6
Run the suite of unit tests
You will need to install graphviz to visualize the graphs
Install boost in /usr/local/ and create a symbolic link to the directory,
ln -s boost_1_72_0 boost