Just download, chmod 755 owrf.sh and add it to rc.local
Don't forget to report issue.
The script is checking if repeated network is available, if not, it will automatically disable repeated network interface, so You can always see Your repeater.
Interface for repeated network will be started again when repeated network will be in range, so You can move around with no worries ;))
Enjoy !
Script by Jaroslav Henzely
[email protected]
Currently unavailable, because GitHub does not support http and wget in OpenWrt does not support https :-/ Curl with SSL support is too heavy for OpenWrt I think.
Don't worry, I will deploy a web server soon :))
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jhenzely/owrf/master/owrf.sh && ./owrf.sh
OpenWRT Wireless Repeater Fix (OWRF): Is workaround for dropping wireless connection when repeated network is unavailable. And also this is my first repository :))
I was inspired by script on the end of page (Link), but I decided to make it more "light" and powerful. https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/recipes/ap_sta
Main difference is, that my script is not copy-pasting (possibly) large configs which is wasting NOR Flash lifespan.
When using OpenWrt device as a repeater, repeated network set in 'sta' mode and repeater network set in 'ap' mode, then when connection with repeated network is terminated, the 'ap' network on OpenWrt device will mysteriously disappear.
Yes, of course if repeated network is simply unavailable, why to "see" my OpenWrt device ?
The answer is simple, imagine, that You are somewhere in hotel with tablet, or netbook without ethernet NIC.
This situation could be described in one word: Disaster
OpenWrt device is simply not accessible and there is no possibility to switch to another repeated network.
To avoid this in the future, I wrote simple script. It works for me.
Do it fast, on-the-fly, seamless, without reboot. This feature will be implemented soon, testing and optimization is ongoing. It will take me some time because I want also to measure amplitue (RSSI) so it will be connected to the repeated network only if measured signal is at least 75dBm for three times in 15 seconds.
I decided to keep amplitude in -20 - 79dBm range. Lot of wireless cards are able to maintain quite stable connection on this level. Decided to not count number of network sight, no problem to implement, I already had working code for this, but it will just make script more complicated. Not worthy.
Checking wireless config, gathering current values, testing input values.
Focus on minimizing script size and complexity. But do not apply "KISS" principle !! It must be simple, but not stupid !!
Focus on pre-longing lifespan, do not uci commit
Look at the code if Yo don't see any bugs and/or room for improvement