released this
14 Jan 13:40
20876 commits
to main
since this release
Release Notes
💎 Features
- Spring Boot Mvc: Dummy context - #523 by @pascalgrimaud
- Typescript: add dependency, script and config files - #498 by @pascalgrimaud
🔧 Enhancements
- Dummy: code smell - join these multiple assertions - #534 by @pascalgrimaud
- Improve Swagger - #528 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security: add WithMockUser to IntegrationTest - #525 by @pascalgrimaud
- Add plugin repository - #520 by @DanielFran
- Add repository - #518 by @DanielFran
🔨 Refactoring
- CI: refactoring and reduce duplicated tests - #533 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: AOP and Logstash - #531 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move spring boot properties to spring boot common - #529 by @pascalgrimaud
- Optional Utils: notBlank method - #519 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring Main App with Unit Test - #516 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: rename methods in Maven - #513 by @qmonmert
- Security JWT: clean import - #507 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move npm command to NPM context - #505 by @pascalgrimaud
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Windows CI and EOL normalization - #509 by @pblanchardie
- only test file permissions on posix - #506 by @pblanchardie
🍃 Spring Boot
- Dummy: code smell - join these multiple assertions - #534 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: AOP and Logstash - #531 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring: move spring boot properties to spring boot common - #529 by @pascalgrimaud
- Spring Boot Mvc: Dummy context - #523 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security: add WithMockUser to IntegrationTest - #525 by @pascalgrimaud
- Refactoring Main App with Unit Test - #516 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: clean import - #507 by @pascalgrimaud
🔒 Security
- Security: add WithMockUser to IntegrationTest - #525 by @pascalgrimaud
- Security JWT: clean import - #507 by @pascalgrimaud
🪶 Maven
- Add plugin repository - #520 by @DanielFran
- Add repository - #518 by @DanielFran
- Refactoring: rename methods in Maven - #513 by @qmonmert
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.8.1 to 3.9.0 - #522 by @dependabot
- Bump lint-staged to 12.1.7 - #517 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump lint-staged from 12.1.6 to 12.1.7 - #515 by @dependabot
- Bump prettier-plugin-java to 1.6.1 - #503 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump lint-staged to 12.1.6 - #502 by @pascalgrimaud
- Bump prettier-plugin-java from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 - #500 by @dependabot
- Bump springdoc-openapi-ui from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4 - #499 by @dependabot
- Bump lint-staged from 12.1.5 to 12.1.6 - #501 by @dependabot