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digitalSTROM Binding
Documentation of the digitalSTROM binding bundle
digitalSTROM is the solution for intelligent living. The smart home system represents digital lifestyle and an integrated connectivity concept. Intuitive in use and simple to install, the technology communicates via the existing power lines thus integrating all the electrical appliances as well as broadband devices in a home.
This results in an infrastructure allowing connection of any applications, products and services via open interfaces. Successful miniaturization and digital intelligence make digitalSTROM suitable for both retrofitting and installation in new builds, without interfering in the existing room design. Analogous to the world of smartphones and app stores, digitalSTROM has open interfaces allowing unlimited creativity for solutions in smart living: In addition to apps for additional convenience at home, new marketing opportunities arise for suppliers of products and services. digitalSTROM AG is headquartered in Schlieren-Zurich (CH) and Wetzlar (D).
digitalSTROM binding bundle is available as a separate (optional) download. If you want to let openHAB communicate with digitalSTROM DSS11 server, please place this bundle in the folder ${openhab_home}/addons and add binding information to your configuration.
For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.
- Unzip DigitalSTROM_OPENHAB_ADD-ON.zip
- copy "openhab/openhab.js" to your dss server "/usr/share/dss/add-ons/"
- copy "openhab.xml" to your dss server "/usr/share/dss/data/subscriptions.d/"
DigitalSTROM JSON service interface is limited to HTTPS protocol. For security reason, we need to create a self signed cetificate with correct given hostname. To do so, follow these steps:
1. openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 1024
2. chmod 400 privkey.pem
3. openssl req -new -key privkey.pem -out certreq.csr
Enter your details:
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: DE // not important
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: NRW // not important
Locality Name (eg, city) []: Gummersbach // not important
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Email Address []: // not important
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: // not important, press enter
An optional company name []: // not important, press enter
4. openssl x509 -req -days 9000 -in certreq.csr -signkey privkey.pem -out dsscert.pem
5. cat privkey.pem >> dsscert.pem
Copy the newly generated certificate onto your digitalSTROM server and import it to java trusted store of your openHAB server by using java keytool.
Keytool usage:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importcert -alias <some descriptive name> -keystore <path to keystore> -file <certificate file>
Keytool usage example (OS X):
sudo keytool -importcert -alias DSS -keystore /System/Library/Java/Support/CoreDeploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts -file dss.local.pem
The following config params are used for the digitalSTROM binding.
- (optional) digitalstrom:refreshinterval Refresh interval (defaults to 1000 ms)
- digitalstrom:uri Hostname / IP address and port of the digitalSTROM server (dSS)
- (optional) digitalstrom:connectTimeout Connect timeout (defaults to 4000 ms)
- (optional) digitalstrom:readTimeout Connect timeout (defaults to 10000 ms)
- digitalstrom:loginToken To login without a user and password; loginToken must be enabled once
- digitalstrom:user
- digitalstrom:password To login with username and password; default username and password is dssadmin If you have loginToken and username with password the loginToken will be prefered by default
Obtaining loginToken
Point your browser to https://dss.local:8080/json/system/requestApplicationToken?applicationName=openHAB
Store the result in openhab.cfg file
After receiving the application token you need to enable it in your digitalSTROM configurator under System -> Zugriffsberechtigung
################################ digitalSTROM Binding #################################
# Refresh interval (defaults to 1000 ms)
# Hostname / IP address and port of the digitalSTROM server (dSS)
# Connect timeout (defaults to 4000 ms)
# Connect timeout (defaults to 10000 ms)
# to login without a user and password; loginToken must be enabled once
# to login with username and password; default user is dssadmin and default password is dssadmin
# if you have loginToken and username with password the loginToken will be prefered by default
In order to bind an item to a digitalSTROM device you need to provide configuration settings. The simplest way is:
digitalstrom="dsid:<digitalSTROM device id>" //device with example dsid (You can also use the shorter dsid, known as S.N: xxxxxxxx (8 letters) )
Thats it! It's enough to control a device.
Switch Light_GF_Corridor_Ceiling "Ceiling" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Dimmer Light_GF_Living_Table "Table" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
All syntax keywords for the digitalSTROM are explained here:
: // to refer a value to a key
# // separator for the next key-value pair
dsid // digitalSTROM device id
dsmid // digitalSTROM meter id (dSM)
consumption // optional for metering
timeinterval // timeinterval to initiate a metering job
context // in some cases use context:
zoneid // only in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem for apartment or zone calls
groupid // only in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem for apartment or zone calls
slat // important if it's a roller shutter: to have a item to control the slats
awning // important for roller shutter: if it's a marquee/awning to show the right icon -> open-close
apartment // in combination with a Number- or StringItem to make apartment calls
zone // in combination with a Number- or StringItem to make zone calls
ACTIVE_POWER // in use with a device or meter -> current power consumption (w)
OUTPUT_CURRENT // only in use with a device -> amperage (mA)
ELECTRIC_METER // only in use with a meter (wh)
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
in case of marquee/awning add context param "awning"
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#context:awning"}
for up and down use
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_UP_DOWN "Livingroom UP/DOWN" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
add second item to adjuste the slats (use the same dsid)
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_UP_DOWN "Livingroom UP/DOWN" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#context:slat"}
To call apartment or zone scenes use number- or string item in the .items file:
Number|String Apartment_Scene "Apartment Scene" {digitalstrom="context:apartment"}
Number|String All_Apartment_Lights "All lights" {digitalstrom="context:apartment#groupid:1"} //optional add groupid
Number|String Zone_Scene "Room Scene" {digitalstrom="context:zone#zoneid:65535"}
Number|String All_Zone_Lights "All room lights" {digitalstrom="context:zone#zoneid:65535#groupid:1"} //optional add groupid
and in .sitemap add mappings: Selection item=Apartment_Scene label="Apartment Scene Selection" mappings=[65=Panik, 72=Gehen] // here you have to use the right (a valid) sceneID
Switch item=Zone_Scene label="Room Scene" mappings=[14=On, 13=Off] // here you have to use the right (a valid) sceneID
To poll and e.g. persist/visualize the curent power consumption (ACTIVE_POWER) you should use string- or number items.
Number Power_Consumption_TV "TV [%d W]" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:60000"} // read device power consumption every 60 seconds
Be aware! Your system will work very slow on sensor reading!
Rule 8 "Application processes that do automatic cyclic reads or writes of device parameters are subject to a request limit: at maximum one request per minute and circuit is allowed."(digitalSTROM: [p.36)
Rule 9 "Application processes that do automatic cyclic reads of measured values are subject to a request limit: at maximum one request per minute and circuit is allowed."(digitalSTROM: http://developer.digitalstrom.org/Architecture/ds-basics.pdf p.36)
Number Consumption_dSM "dSM [%d W]" {digitalstrom="dsmid:3504175fe000001000000001#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:3000"} // read power consumption every 3 seconds (it 'works' because here we read cached values)
Number Consumption_House "Total house consumption [%s W]" {digitalstrom="dsmid:ALL#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:3000"}
The timeinterval only initiates a metering job, but you don't have the guarantee that the worker will start it in this time!
You should better not read the consumption of a device, but of meters(dSMs).
In the first time the system learns, how to react on specific scene calls (sensor reading). But after some time it will work fast!
- Support
- News Archive
- Presentations
- How to Contribute
- IDE Setup
- How to Implement a Binding
- How to Implement an Action
- Projects using openHAB
- User Interfaces
- Classic UI
- iOS Client
- Android Client
- GreenT UI
- CometVisu
- Bindings
- AlarmDecoder Binding
- Anel Binding
- Asterisk Binding
- Astro Binding
- BenQ Projector Binding
- Bluetooth Binding
- Comfo Air Binding
- Config Admin Binding
- CUL Binding
- CUPS Binding
- DAIKIN Binding
- Davis Binding
- digitalSTROM Binding
- DMX512 Binding
- DSC Alarm Binding
- EDS OWSever Binding
- eKey Binding
- Energenie Binding
- EnOcean Binding
- Epson Projector Binding
- Exec Binding
- Freebox Binding
- Freeswitch Binding
- Fritz AHA Binding
- Fritz!Box Binding
- FS20 Binding
- Global Cache IR Binding
- GPIO Binding
- HAI/Leviton OmniLink Binding
- HDAnywhere Binding
- Heatmiser Binding
- Homematic / Homegear Binding
- HTTP Binding
- IEC 62056-21 Binding
- IHC / ELKO Binding
- Insteon Hub Binding
- Insteon PLM Binding
- IRtrans Binding
- jointSPACE-Binding
- KNX Binding
- Koubachi Binding
- Leviton/HAI Omnilink Binding
- MAX!Cube-Binding
- MAX! CUL Binding
- MiLight Binding
- MiOS Binding
- Modbus TCP Binding
- MPD Binding
- MQTT Binding
- MQTTitude binding
- Neohub Binding (Preview)
- Netatmo Binding
- Network Health Binding
- Nibe Heatpump Binding
- Nikobus Binding
- Novelan/Luxtronic Heatpump Binding
- NTP Binding
- One-Wire Binding
- Onkyo AV Receiver Binding
- Open Energy Monitor Binding
- OpenPaths presence detection binding
- OpenSprinkler Binding
- OSGi Configuration Admin Binding
- Philips Hue Binding
- Piface Binding
- pilight Binding
- Pioneer-AVR-Binding
- Plugwise Binding
- PLCBus Binding
- Pulseaudio Binding
- RFXCOM Binding
- Samsung AC Binding
- Samsung TV Binding
- Serial Binding
- Snmp Binding
- Somfy URTSI II Binding
- Sonos Binding
- Squeezebox Binding
- Swegon ventilation Binding
- System Info Binding
- TCP/UDP Binding
- Tellstick Binding
- TinkerForge Binding
- Tivo Binding
- VDR Binding
- Velleman-K8055-Binding
- Wake-on-LAN Binding
- Waterkotte EcoTouch Heatpump Binding
- Weather Binding
- Wemo Binding
- Withings Binding
- XBMC Binding
- xPL Binding
- Z-Wave Binding
- Persistence
- db4o Persistence
- rrd4j Persistence
- MySQL Persistence
- MongoDB Persistence
- Sen.Se Persistence
- Cosm Persistence
- Logging Persistence
- Exec Persistence
- MQTT Persistence
- InfluxDB Persistence
- JPA Persistence
- Automation
- Scripts
- Rules
- Actions
- Misc
- Transformations
- Security
- Google Calendar Support
- Twitter Action
- Service Discovery
- Dropbox Bundle
- Item definitions
- Sitemap definitions
- Binding configurations
- Samples-Comfo-Air-Binding
- Samples WAC Binding
- Samples Integrate WebSolarLog
- Samples nest thermostate
- Rules
- REST Examples
- Tips & Tricks
- XSLT Transforms
- Scripts
- Integration with other applications
- Syntax highlighting for external editors
- Update-Scripts
- Controlling openHAB with Android
- Usecase examples
Release Notes