Leaflet Draw support for leaflet.arc inspired by Leaflet.ellipse. Checkout the Demo
Leaflet.draw-arc requires
- Leaflet 0.7 or higher
- Leaflet.draw 0.2.4 or higher
- leaflet.arc
Include Leaflet.draw-arc.js in your html
<script src='/path/to/leaflet.arc.js'></script>
<script src='/path/to/Leaflet.draw-arc.js'></script>
Webpack as non es6 module
import './path/to/leaflet.arc'
import './path/to/Leaflet.draw-arc'
ES6 module
See Leaflet.draw and leaflet.arc.
leaflet.box - Leaflet Box drawing.
leaflet.draw-box - Leaflet Draw support for leaflet.box.
leaflet.sector - Leaflet Sector drawing.
leaflet.draw-sector - Leaflet Draw support for leaflet.sector.
This code is provided under the Apache 2.0 license.